wanted agri land


we are real estate Mediator in tamilnadu We have to Arrange land to u .if u purchase tamilnadu - contact me -
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Lands availability

i have touch with one export company.they need more than 1000 acres in various part of india for cultivation
Dear Mr. Reddy,

Good morning and season greetings to you.

You may go through our following web link to see the available lands with us at different places and various prices.

GSRK Group of Companies

If you need any further assistance, you may please contact us

Have a nice time and good luck

Best regards

A R RAO – Chairman
GSRK Group of Companies
Naya Ghar Township Pvt. Ltd.
+91 9246 242 777

Land as per your requirement.

I have land in konkan Ratnagiri dist. as per your requirement.

Please contact me
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sir, i have around 50 acres of agriculture land in moradabad (UP) near toll naka.
i am willing to sell it in a cheap price.
please help me to sell my land ..

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We have 1000 acres of land at Pavagada. which is 160 km from Bangalore.Cost per acre is 150000.It is an agricultural land with sources required for cultivation.
If you wanted to buy can get in touch with me.

we have land in konkan.

we have land in konkan. 300 acres of land. rate 60000 per acre. get in touch with me
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