Wanted Wanted 5-10 Acres of fertile agricultural land.


Looking for 5-10 Acre fertile land for an organic farmhouse brokers please excuse.
Please contact us by mail with details of your land requirement such as preferred location, land characteristics, infrastructure required etc to: E: medicinal.planters.india@gmail.com
Farm lands of our members (Medicinal Planters Association of India) are available for sale and lease in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, AP, Telangana, Maharashtra, Goa, Assam, Odisha, Rajasthan etc.
See our latest project: www.natureresort.in
You may see our diverse posts about herbal farming in this site: Well Known Member: greenlandfns

Hallo team myself chakravarthy from Karnataka.chikmaglur district. I have 5acre boundary uncultivated land with water and electricity surrounded by coffee plantation and road condition is good. I think the land is suitable for your upcoming project,If you are interested plz contact me 9964382585

10 acres .agri .near chavella side of Rangareddy dist..not more than 50 Kms fm ORR.other like minded people are there for doing or getting farming done on their farms

Hi Sir we have 10 acars of land from West Bengal (south24 pgs) Kolkata distance 20km cheap price. If you intereste contact with me 8641955620

We have 11 acres of fertile red soil punjai farm with fruit bearing trees available near to Thurayur -Musiri Highway in Tamilnadu. Pls contact 7358793579

7 acres ( 6.85ac) (Organic) Naturall Farm at Arcot,Vellore , with Full Infrastructure and business Model for regular Income, for Sale ( aprox 13 km intersection , in Bangalore - chennai Highway , on palar junction)

with the following infra, Including
1.Solar plant with 5 HP SoloarMotor Pump,
2. Free EB Service,
3. Two Open well(kinaru) -
4. Two 5 HP Motors ( Totally 3 Motor)
5.Solar Drier Poly House Unit, for Herbs value add,
6.Cow Shed,
7.Labour shed,
8.2 Rain Gun,
9. Three farm(fish) pond,
100 Teak, 36 coconut in yield,
40+ mango in yeald, and others
