Question Want to start dairy business



New Member
Dear Experts
I am requesting guidance to start up the business from the scratch. Not planning to start with big investment initially but probably 25 to 40 cattle. I have 2 acres of land in our village in Mangalore DK district Karnataka.

Would like to have an idea on the investment of building suitable sheds and other initial investments to start with.

Please please help me by giving your advices or if anybidy has a report.

Please take on lease 5 - 6 acres for takeing up cultivation of green fodder for supply to the milch animals. Please contact us for project report with details.

G. Anandarao B.Sc(Ag)
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Jai Sri Krishna,

Paid basis full consultancy available right from start to end.. including cattle selection, purchase, shed design, fodder management, manure management, waste management, labour management, disease prevention, symptoms, cure, milk management, milk marketing, milk byproducts, sales strategy, market capitalization and so on....

If interested... contact me ... Consultancy on paid basis... very competitive rates

Dear Experts
I am requesting guidance to start up the business from the scratch. Not planning to start with big investment initially but probably 25 to 40 cattle. I have 2 acres of land in our village in Mangalore DK district Karnataka.

Would like to have an idea on the investment of building suitable sheds and other initial investments to start with.

Please please help me by giving your advices or if anybidy has a report.
I will suggest not to start this business, now it's not profitable, as fodder is getting more expensive, and in 2 acres you can't grow fodder for 25 cows, secondly cattle are very expensive ,good quality cows are rear now, as 5 yrs back ,every one started to enter in this business, if u had a 2 acres land ,think of some other business agro base, lot of business are there.learn from market, not from project reports.

what are the average price range of say GIR, SINDHI, SAHIBAL etc etc which are good milking cows.
secondly the seller will say that its a good breed and gives milk upto 20 lts per day.
how one can beleive because after purchase and bringing them to own place, nothing can be done.
pls guide on this topic

Jai Sri Krishna,

Paid basis full consultancy available right from start to end.. including cattle selection, purchase, shed design, fodder management, manure management, waste management, labour management, disease prevention, symptoms, cure, milk management, milk marketing, milk byproducts, sales strategy, market capitalization and so on....

If interested... contact me ... Consultancy on paid basis... very competitive rates
Hi, Can you share your contact details please.
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Jai Sri Krishna,

Paid basis full consultancy available right from start to end.. including cattle selection, purchase, shed design, fodder management, manure management, waste management, labour management, disease prevention, symptoms, cure, milk management, milk marketing, milk byproducts, sales strategy, market capitalization and so on....

If interested... contact me ... Consultancy on paid basis... very competitive rates

Could I get your email address and mobile number.
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