Want to start agriculture

I am new to farming and i want to start cultivation in 30 acers land. Can anyone help me how to start and which will me more profitable.


Senior Member
Please vist the neighbouring fields in the region please see how they are doing.Select the crops suitable to the area, and initiate the activity. You have to invest few lakhs. you should closely watch the activities. appoint few hard working people. Give proper instruction to them. You have to watch the crop regularly. then only you can recover the principle and the profit.you can satisfy with the crop, yield and income.


New Member
Its depend on u, what u want to produce in ur farm. It is better to u to visit the nearby farms, see there what they do for their production and do contact with Krishi Vigyan kendra, if it is near to u, they can help u and while selecting the crop, also keep in mind the market demand. then u can be in profit.


Active Member
I am new to farming and i want to start cultivation in 30 acers land. Can anyone help me how to start and which will me more profitable.
If you are new to farming then do not go in for cropping the entire 30 acers in one go.

First have your soil and water tested. Have a look around your land for the types of crops or trees that are generally grown in that area.

Try and get the monsoon data for the area form the local farmers.

find out about labour availability and cost of labor.

do a general analysis of the input costs that you are going to incurre.

find out the market for the crop that you paln to go in for.

If you have a govt research station near by do visit their farm to get an idea as to what you can do and to get some help.

Now a days there are a lot of people who will advise you to do this and that and try to fleece you for your money so be on guard and only take decisions based on your research and knowledge to be safe.

May you be successful in your venture and reap good profits.


Established Member
Expert Member
Dear Mr Koushik,

This question is discussed on this forum again and again. Many people have given their piece of mind. From the very statements one can tell they are simply making statements which do not take you any where concretely. But these ideas are really OK if you are not investing much, you are a week end farmer, you do not have any targeted profit figure and you want to do sociological and psychological experiment with "how views differ from person to person" and as an experimenter you will end up with lot of trash data which can not be classified into any organised pattern for conclusions.

On the contrary
if you are investing on a good scale,
you area full time farmer,
you have plans of earning say one lac per acre per year
I suggest
Do not visit any farm/farmer,
do not collect others views,
do not experiment and lose money

find out a really good consultant who can visit your farm on regular basis,
who is technologically good, also good in budgeting, project planning just take his advise and complete the show. You will learn properly over one or two years, first year you will graduate, second year you get you masters degree, third year you can start swimming your self.

Just take your own decision now.

with all the best wishes

anil patil

I am new to farming and i want to start cultivation in 30 acers land. Can anyone help me how to start and which will me more profitable.
