facts about HF
best crosses of HF can be procured from either Punjab or Karnataka. In your case i would sugest you to find a reliable broker near bangalore. prefer pregnent/down calvers. hf require adlib green fodder and high quality concentrate (DCP>15%, TDN>68%, Energy > 2400Kkal/kg, Fibre less than 11%) also the concentrate should have 1% good quality mineral mix (Kemmin
or vetcare or brihans)+ 1.5%common salt+ 0.1% toxibinder+ 0.25% Soda bi card (to check rumen acediosis), also without green fodder it is difficult to avoid grain overload in HF which results in severe metabolic disorders .
A good 1st lactation cow of age not more than 3 years with milk yield capacity of around 4000 liters (20 lits per day) would cost you anywhere between Rs,50000.00 to 75000.00 (again price depends more on looks, type, body score, strain of HF i.e. canadian, US, Ausralian etc.
Temperament is never an issue in holstein crosses having exotic blood level greater than 75%, all are docile.