Want Investor in Gujarat for Dairy business..


please send me more details of you project


I am a farm enthusiast and animal lover wanting to start my own MODEL DAIRY FARM near Vadodara in 11 acre land (leased for 5 years). I am financial analyst by profession having worked in various MNc in India and London. I stayed in UK for 6 years and completed my MBA and now I am back for good to start my dream project of Dairy farm, which also is one of the most profitable business in India ( If managed properly).

I have prepared the whole project plan and need an Investor to invest a little sum against 33% of partnership with no involvement required. The project can be on ground from tomorrow with first milking in Oct 1 week with our own fooder grown organically.

Anyone interested please contact me.


am interested. Please share further details about project, cost, size of project and the finance for 33% stake.
please send me more details of you project to sohan_yadav11@yahoo.com

DId you start your farm or still looking for finance to fund the project. Here we can provide you all the financial help for that? if you've prepared the project report, please send it to me after speaking on the phone and we can do all the necessary details to get the finance. 1. How much finance are you looking for? 2. what security do you have to fund the project including land? 3. whether are your getting the money-back on day 1 or when? explain in detail and we can help out to make a good project. regards. Prof. subin; financial consultant; email: greatsubin2012@gmail.com; call: 09589411750

Dear Sir,

I would like to know the details of the project.


I am a farm enthusiast and animal lover wanting to start my own MODEL DAIRY FARM near Vadodara in 11 acre land (leased for 5 years). I am financial analyst by profession having worked in various MNc in India and London. I stayed in UK for 6 years and completed my MBA and now I am back for good to start my dream project of Dairy farm, which also is one of the most profitable business in India ( If managed properly).

I have prepared the whole project plan and need an Investor to invest a little sum against 33% of partnership with no involvement required. The project can be on ground from tomorrow with first milking in Oct 1 week with our own fooder grown organically.

Anyone interested please contact me.


I am Interested in Dairy Farming Business so can explain regarding your Project how many milk daily produce and cost of your project and objective of your project, exact location from Baroda ...etc
