Re: HF Breeding Bulls
Dear Sir,
The old adage that the bull is half the herd is very relevant to a dairy farm. With a national average success rate of AI being less than 30% it is very important for a dairy farm to keep a pedigreed bull of good merit. Also it is important for semen processors to have a proven sire. We specialize in supply of pedigreed bulls and bull calves of:-
1. Holstein Friesian (Dams yield 8000+)
2. Jersey (Dams yield 5000+)
3. Murrah (Dams yield 4000+)
4. Bhadavari (Dams yield 1800+)
5. Nili Ravi (dams yield 3500+)
HF Bulls available for sale right now:-
1. Sultan (dams yield 7800), age 2.5 years, good body type and pedigree records available.
2. Vikram (dams yield 8320) , age 1.5 years, excellent body score and type, pedigree record available.
Also pure sahival bull and Pure HF bull calves are available for sale.