Vedant Skipper Rainguns



Vedant Rainguns

With One Raingun placed at one position, you can irrigate about half acre area in 2.0 hours to 3 hours of pumping w.r. to the weather condition, type of soil and crop irrigated. The Raingun can be moved very easily from one position to other with the help of portable HDPE sprinkler/PVC/ foldable pipes and portable stand. All our rainguns have full or part circle rotation facility.

Generally one need to have a 5 HP high head pumpset for raingun model Hidra (impact type) and 7.5 HP for raingun model SKIPPER (turbine type). Neverthless you can also add a 3 HP pumpset in series to your existing 3 or 5 HP pumpset to boost the pressure.

Vedant Enviro-Agro & Irrigation Tech (P) Ltd,

WHC Road, Opp. Andhra Bank, Nagpur -440010,(M.S) India

Mr Arun Bagri : Mobile. +91 9823042260 , E-Mail - Website: Vedant
