Turmeric Planting rhizomes



Dear Friends,

We have very Good Quality, High yielding Turmeric planting rhizomes available.

We have grown these rhizomes and circumin content is also very high.

The optimum spacing in furrows and ridges is 45-60 cm between rows and 25 cm between plants.

Hence average quantity required for 1 acre is 800-1000kgs

Suitable time for sowing is April/May and hence you can book your orders now.

Price Rs.25/-
per kg from our farm.

Call 0976 18 41 348.


Farm Manager

Turmeric Profitability

Turmeric is definitely a Profitable crop and does not require too much labour.

Per Acre Profitability.

Rhizomes per acre - 800 - 1000 kg. @ Rs.25/-per kg. = Rs. 25,000/-
Preparation of Land approx....................................= Rs. 2,000/-
Fertilizers & pesticides.........................................= Rs. 10,000/-
Water exp.........................................................= Rs. 2,000/-
Labour cost ......................................................= Rs. 10,000/-
Other Misc.........................................................=Rs. 1,000/-
TOTAL...............................................................= Rs. 50,000/-


Production approx 10 - 12 tonnes minimum per acre.& Rs. 20 per kg.

Total sale value Rs.20/- X 10 ton = 200,000/- (two lac per acre)

The sale price varies from Rs. 50 to Rs. 10 at a minimum.

Even if one gets a minimum price of Rs. 10 per kg then profit is Rs. 50,000 per acre.

Hope for the best and as prices of each comodity is increasing next year the selling Price will be mionimum Rs. 35/-per kg.

The selling Price is less this year due to stoppage of all exports. As soon as the exports are open the prices will shoot up.

Good Luck

Farm Manager

Turmeric Cultivation Profitability

Ok Sir,

I will cultivate this in 5 acre. Please inform if you can send material to MP, near Bhopal.


Turmeric planting material

I have land in Gujrat, near rajasthan border.
I want planting material for 7 acres. When can I start cultivation? which month is best? Can I do this with Papaya?

thankyou - Nirmal
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