Tree Plantation - Red Snadel & Kumzhi Teak



Dear Members,
Any one could able to help me regarding the tree plantation. I am Shridhar from Sivagangai District in Tamil Nadu, I have planning to set up the tree plantation in my 20 Acres. The trees which i chooses are, Rend Sandel & Kumzhi Teak. Please suggest, what shall be the total cost to plant these varieties in one Acre. Please reply me by e-mail or free feel to call me.
Warm regards,
Mobile No. 8526387386
Mail ID :

Dear Sir,
Thanks a lot for your prompt reply. But it would be better if I get a supplier & consultant near by my district (Sivagangai District - South Tamil Nadu). Don't mistake me, Presently I am working in Chennai as a Commercial Director in MNC and I am new to this agricultural field, Hence I need a person near to my home town for better co-ordination.
Warm regards,

Hello sir

yes definitely ill help u out
Suitable soil for Sandal cultivation is Red Sandy loam, Sandy, Lateritic and even in black soils with varying fertility condition, provided with good water holding capacity and drainage with a soil depth of 20 to 25 feet for better root growth and penetration. Sandal grows better in slight alkaline condition soil PH Range between 6.7. To 7.5

Sandal required hot climate preferably semi arid climate.

The crop can be raised through seeds by raising nursery in sunken and raised beds are used to raise seedlings. Both of them perform equally well under different climatic conditions.

Seed beds are prepared with sand and red earth in the ratio 3:1. Around 2.5 Kg. seed is spread uniformly over the bed, covered with straw, which should be removed when the leaves start appearing on the seedlings. Sandal suffers from a very virulent disease caused by combined fungal and nematode infection.

When seedling have reached 4 to 6 leaf stage they are transplanted to poly bags along with a seed of “Red gram” (Cajanus cajan), the primary host for better growth of sandal. Seedlings are carefully removed from beds with all roots immediately after transplantation. Watering is to be done once a day, but excess moisture is to be avoided. Host plants are pruned frequently, so that they do not over grow sandal and hamper its growth. Polybags should contain soil mixture of ratio 2:1:1 (Sand: Red earth: Farmyard manure). It as been found that poly bags of 30 X 14 cm size are the best.

Plantable seedlings of about 30cm height can be raised in 6-8 months’ time. A well-branched seedling with a brown stem is ideal for planting in the field.

In this project Plantable Quality Nursery supplied by qualified agency, Planting 6-8 months ready plants directly will reduce the total crop duration, minimizes the risk of raising nursery and assured quality planting material are added advantages.

Digging pit size of 2’X2’X2’ filled with 1:2 ratio of red earth and farmyard manure watering for settling down the mixture. Placing the healthy seedling of sandal in the center by digging the small pit ensured that all the root systems are placed properly in the pit so that the tender roots will establish quickly. Planting the host plant in the pit 6” apart from the sandal plant.

Host plant is required for proper growth of sandal since the sandal plant is parasitic in initial stages of its growth. It procures nutrients from the host plant. Sandal roots spread out to a considerable distance even up to 300 feet and attack host’s roots. Normally any plant can be suitable as host plant but plants like Lagerstroemia species (Banaba leaves); Subabul, Casuarinas, red gram etc. can be the host plant for sandal tree.

Pits should be dugged with a spacing of 12’X12’ = 303 plants per one Acre. This is optimum for better plant population and yield. Plant population of at least 300 plants per Acre to be maintained.

MANURES & FERILIZERS: 8.0 tones of farmyard manure will be sufficient per one acre of sandal crop per year, chemical fertilizers required initially depending on soil fertility status.

WEEDING AND INTERCULTIVATION: Regular weeding and inter cultivation to be done to prevent soil moisture and nutrient loss. Inter crops are preferred for additional income and best land utilization and soil management.

INTER CROPS: It is also advisable to go for a inter crop which ensures inter cultivation and additional income to the farmer. Intercrops like Coleus forskolii, Banaba leaves and other short duration crops preferred. Short duration crops have shallow root system, that will not going to compete for water and nutrients with main crop.

IRRIGATION: Sandal is a rain fed crop. Young plants require watering in summer months at 15-20 days interval till they are fully established.

PLANT PROTECTION: Plants should be protected from physical damage, controlling white ants which is major problem in red soils, spray of 2% chloropyriphos on white ant attacked portion of shoot and near around the tree trunk will check the white ant effect.

HEART WOOD (Smelled Wood): Heart wood is used for medicinal purpose and for oil extraction. Sandal tree yields 100 Kg. of Heart wood from stem, roots and branches of each tree and 100 Kg. X 300trees =30,000 Kg. per Acre. Apart from sandal crop as main crop farmer can also get yield from inter crops every year.

for more infocontact
Hosachiguru Farms
at +919980163040 or,

Dear Members,
Any one could able to help me regarding the tree plantation. I am Shridhar from Sivagangai District in Tamil Nadu, I have planning to set up the tree plantation in my 20 Acres. The trees which i chooses are, Rend Sandel & Kumzhi Teak. Please suggest, what shall be the total cost to plant these varieties in one Acre. Please reply me by e-mail or free feel to call me.
Warm regards,
Mobile No. 8526387386
Mail ID :

Dear Sridhar,

Instead of settling down to only 2 varieties of Timber Trees, it is best advised to go for diversification and suggest adding more trees whether it is Timber Trees, Horticulture Trees.

Padmanabhan Ganesan -
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Dear Sir,
I will consider your advice, but I am new to this field. My query is whether the trees which I am selecting has to be valuable/demand while selling.

Please suggest,
1. What are all the trees are to be chosen for this kind of activities ?
2. When I can get the yield for those varieties ? in years
3. Any consultant/suppliers are there near by Sivagangai District (South Tamil Nadu ?
4. Any subsidy can be availed through the state/central Govt.

Warm regards,

Dear Sir,
I will consider your advice, but I am new to this field. My query is whether the trees which I am selecting has to be valuable/demand while selling.

Please suggest,
1. What are all the trees are to be chosen for this kind of activities ?
2. When I can get the yield for those varieties ? in years
3. Any consultant/suppliers are there near by Sivagangai District (South Tamil Nadu ?
4. Any subsidy can be availed through the state/central Govt.

Warm regards,
Dear Mr. Sridhar,

You can go for Kumizh or Malai Vembu. Both are fast growing and in high demand. There are quite a few nurseries in Sivagangai / Pudukottai districts who sell at Rs. 5 - 10 per seedling.

If you are interested, send me a PM. I will give addresses with phone numbers. I am not allowed to post any address detail in this forum.

Dear Mr. Sridhar,

You can go for Kumizh or Malai Vembu. Both are fast growing and in high demand. There are quite a few nurseries in Sivagangai / Pudukottai districts who sell at Rs. 5 - 10 per seedling.

If you are interested, send me a PM. I will give addresses with phone numbers. I am not allowed to post any address detail in this forum.

Dear Sir,
I will consider your advice, but I am new to this field. My query is whether the trees which I am selecting has to be valuable/demand while selling.

Please suggest,
1. What are all the trees are to be chosen for this kind of activities ?
2. When I can get the yield for those varieties ? in years
3. Any consultant/suppliers are there near by Sivagangai District (South Tamil Nadu ?
4. Any subsidy can be availed through the state/central Govt.

Warm regards,

Dear Shridhar,
How is your tree plantation setup ?
what are the trees you have planted?
Please let me know, i too have started tree farming with intial setup of 5 acres (it includes, Kumil, mahogany, teak, & vengai)
Hope your reply.

