to start a goat farm



New Member
This is satish I want to start a goat farm. I don't have knowledge about it.please give me the inputs for that.

My number...9948456109

This is Rafik I want to start a goat farm. I don't have knowledge about it.please give me the inputs for that.

my no.09813074143

Thanx for your enquiry .

Basic requirements to start a Stallfed goat farm:

1 .One acre agri land for every 40 goats to cultivate fodder.

2. Investment capacity ranging from Rs.6 to 12 lakhs for 50 goat project.

For more details, Plan a visit to our farm.

We allow farm visits on Wednesdays and Sundays between 10.30 am and 11.00 am to our farm.You need to confirm your appointment on previous day of your visit.

On other days we strictly do not allow the visitors .In your visit to our farm, you will be provided with Project report for 50 goats .


If you want to make your visit worthy and to get complete basic information, you can attend ONE DAY IN-FARM TRAINING CLASSES conducted every 2 weeks once in English and Tamil Languages separately.

(Cost : Rs.2000 / Person, Registration required)

Upcoming Tamil class Date : 04 -09-16 (Sunday)

18 -09-16 (Sunday)

English class : 21-08-16 (Sunday)

Cost : Rs.2000 / Person

Our Services:

1. Excellent Parent stock supply in goats.(Thalacherry and Boer Breed)

2. Complete Consultancy to start a stall-fed goat farm.

3. Computer Software solutions for goat farm management and profitability calculations.

4. One day In-farm Training in Commercial Goat rearing.

5. Goat rearing Equipment’s Sale.

6. Sale of Slotted plastic flooring for Goat farming.

7. Bankable Project Preparation for Goat farming Loan.

For more info ,Contact us with following details:

Website ;

K.Venkatesh (Proprietor)

Vijay farms,Villupuram dist,Tamilnadu.




