Timber cultivation



New Member

I have big chunk of land in Uganda, Africa where i intend to plant timber in that.

At the moment the area in which i have my land has enough rainfall and soil is also fertile. Many many people near to area are growing PINE trees for timber. But i want some different plant because pine tree takes 18 years to mature which is a long period for me.

So which other trees can i plant so that i can get good return in 6-8 years period of time.





I have big chunk of land in Uganda, Africa where i intend to plant timber in that.

At the moment the area in which i have my land has enough rainfall and soil is also fertile. Many many people near to area are growing PINE trees for timber. But i want some different plant because pine tree takes 18 years to mature which is a long period for me.

So which other trees can i plant so that i can get good return in 6-8 years period of time.


Hello there,
with your type of climate and rainfall i think poplar tree can do well in your part of world, tree is ready to be cultivated in about 7-10 years, the current market rate for poplar tree vary from 100$- 150$ per tree, trees more then 10 years with good and uniformed bark can fetch 200$, the timber is used in making plywood, ply board, light weight furniture, mach etc,
i don't have any idea about poplar tree availability in your country and its scientific name.
some very good hybrids of poplar tree are available in market like G-48, G-46, wimco 32, wimco 22 and many many more you can chose the one favorable in your soil and climate.
have a nice day


Energy Plants

Hi Africa - You have to look at Energy Plants combination for a quick return that will begin from 180 days of cultivation (by intercropping). We are already working on a model for Ghana. If you will be interested in associating on a long term vision, please do get in touch: div_ats@yahoo.com.
