Teak v/s silver v/s Malai dubia



Active Member
Hi Friends,

I was wondering which would be a better options amoung Teak , silver , Malia dubia for long term say (15 years). Consideration being it should be easy to maintain and economical.


Hi Friends,

I was wondering which would be a better options amoung Teak , silver , Malia dubia for long term say (15 years). Consideration being it should be easy to maintain and economical.


please provide email id or phone no or send PM TO MY INBOX. SO THAT I WILL SEND DETAILED INFORMATION


some more thoughts

Thanks Bala, I will send you an email.

can I get some more thoughts on the same. it will help me decide a better option.



First, let us know how many acres you plan to go in for these commercial / forest trees, so that we can advise you accordingly with options / plan to have combination of all these species so that you keep generating revenue at 8 - 15 - 20 years.


First, let us know how many acres you plan to go in for these commercial / forest trees, so that we can advise you accordingly with options / plan to have combination of all these species so that you keep generating revenue at 8 - 15 - 20 years.

dearest sudhirpai,
Thanks for your reply. basically i am planning to plant around 300+ trees of these varieties in the boundary. I was just accessing the best option.

teak plantation

I am also planning to plant teak 300 nos in 5 acres boundary,inside cocunut and mango trees are planted already,pl advice .

Hi Friends,
i'm too looking for similar kind of plantation. I have 8 acres of land and we are planing for easy maintainable and economic plantation. Please suggest which of these are better in terms of easy maintainable and good money return crops.

Teak+silveroak+Melia Dubia

Hi everybody,

Teak plantations now a days familer after some decade.Teak tree is the king of among all timber trees.Because of its usage inour day to day life.In asian countries teak is a familier timber among all catacory people.Teak can be cultivated in any parts of india.Now a days the tissue culture teak plantaton is familier among the farmers for its salient features like early maturity,unioform growth,stipulated ,assured income and the setting of the heart wood portion will be more in tissue culture.

Reagarding silveroak its very slow growth when comparing with teak.Normally the silveroak plantation will be done in the hills area as intercrop in the coffee & tea estate for landmarking.The silveroak will requires minimum 500 MSL .But it can be planted in plains area like banglaore.But the yield patter of silver will be minimum 20 years.On completion of 20 years we can get minimum Rs 10500/-but somebody have posted in this site earlierlys as 6000rs.In tissue culture teak we can get minimum Rs 10000/-on completion of 12-15 years .

Melia dubia (Hillneem,kondaveppa,hebbavu,malaivembu) is a magic tree plant.In the universe the melia dubia is fast growing tree plant without doing any kind hitech like tissue culture ,cloning & hibreed methods.The melia dubia will attain the girth of 100 cms to 150 cms on completion of minimum 6 yrs and maximum 7 yrs .The melia dubia timber can be used for biomass ,playwood industries,photo frames,furnitures like sofa ,chairs and mini furnitures.Now a days the melia dubia is a boon to farmers.The yield pattern will be one tree will fetch minimum Rs 5000/- on completion of 6-7 yrs.

For more details plz contact us:

a Sivakumar
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Hi Shanmuga06,

Thanks a lot. this is very informative. but how is the maintanace and cost economics for growing the malia dubia. if we can get 5k in 6-7 years it sounds a good deal.


Melia Dubia plants

Hi ,

Now a days the talk of the town is Melia dubia plantations.That will know everybody.So kindly request all the farmers ,industrialists& farmers please plant the melia dubia plantation in the coming monsoon.we will give good and genuine melia dubia seedlings not clonel in time at afforable rates.

for more details plz contact us :

a Sivakumar
Priya Nursery Garden

Melia dubia seedlings

Hi sir,

The melia dubia seedlings(not clonel) are ready to plant in the coming monsoon.Kindly book in advance for proper delivery at your site. we are able to supply any where in india.

For more details plz contact us:

a Sivakumar
Priya Nursery Garden

Melia Dubia seedlings for sale

Hello everybodies,

The melia dubia seedlings are ready for plant in the coming monsoon .Our melia dubia seedlings were propagated and promoted from seeds not clonel .we are able to supply any where in india.

For more deytails plz contact us:

a Sivakumar
Priya Nursery Garden

We are able to supply the melia Dubia,tissue culture teak,gmelina arborea,silver oak,rosewood & Mahagany to any destination in India.

For more details plz.contact us:

A Sivakumar,
Priya Nursery Garden,

Dnt prefer the clonel melia Dubia saplings.Only best option is seed germinated melia Dubia seedlings for best growth and better yield.Because there is no anchor /tape root is not availiable only fibrous root system will availiable in clonel.

For more details plz.contact us:

A Sivakumar,
Priya Nursery Garden,

Melia dubia plants availble-9880589787

We have melia dubia or hebbevu or malai vembu plants with us in Mysore,karnataka state-9880589787.
we have grown melia dubia trees in our farm in mysore. Hence we can share our experience to the new growers.

The saplings we provide are germinated by seeds. The seed germinated plants shows very good growth and also can tolerate high temperatures and requires optimum water.

We can transport it to any part of India. So dont worry about transportation.
Kindly call for information or requirement of plants to us on 9880589787 before finalising on where to buy.

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