Teak Plants needed



New Member

I need teak plants for plantation into an area of 1 hectare. Can any please help me, from where I can get the best seeds or plants. Please also mention the approx. rates.


reply from sunroyale consultancy

my name is umapathysankar.i am running a consultancy firm in madurai,tamilnadu.i am giving consultancy in expors,agri,real estate,computer data entry projects.i wish to know from which state are you from if you living near my state like andra karntaka,kerela it will helpful to me to provide consultancy to you.please send your contact details-mail id to me via ptivate message ,thank you


Well-Known Member
Tissue culture teak plantations

We are having good quality & high yield breed of teak saplings with salient features.This has been promoted & propagated by tissue culture .Fast growth than stump culture ,uniform growth assured upto 98%,the setting of heart wood i.e inner hard portion will be morethan 70% but in stump culture the setting of heart wood will be 30% or less than 30 %.Early maturity is the main factor in tissue culture teak plantations.the cultivation period will be minimum 12 years onwards.But its not compulsion to cut if the farmer will leave for some more time .An account of this the input from tree will be doubled.Anyhow some assured income will be there in tissue culture i.e minimum Rs 10000/-per tree.

For more details plz contact us:

A Sivakumar
Priya Nursery Garden,


New Member
Dear all,
i am from vizianagaram, andhra pradesh. i am having 5 acrea land , i am planing to cultivate few best production( with high price in low time)plants, please give you suggestion on which is better ? where i can get these plants?.

with regards


Well-Known Member
Shorterm investment


We are having all kinds of forestry plants .we designed the tree plant cultivation like longterm investment ; The following plants are comes under this plan sandalwood ,redsanders ,tissue culture teak,tissue culture acasia mangium,rosewood,tissue culture srilanka rosewood,swetinia mahagany,indian kinowood,ebony and etc

Shortterm investment: The following tree plants are comes in this plan .Melia dubia(Malaivembu),gmelina arborea (kumil),casurina jinhunia tissue culture ,eugaliptus & thornless bamboo valgaris,Beema & dendrcalmes.

Midterm investment ; Tender coconut (DxT raamganga),Balaji lemon & Bahawa Giant nandini pomegranate

For more details plz contat us:

A Sivakumar
Priya Nursery Garden
