Teak Plantation Full Information



New Member
Hello there,
I am from mumbai but working abroad in gulf from past few years... I have heard a lot about these teak plantation business that's why i was just curious to know more details about it. Im planning to come to mumbai on vacation by august end and I would like to know full information about how to go about so that i know the proper procedure. I am really interested to know details about the land cost, the miscellaneous expenditure and teak saplings costs and maintenance and everything that is necessary to know as a beginner... I am planning to buy land and have these planted on a 2 acre in konkan area... Can anybody help me in this as i have ZERO knowledge about it...


Well-Known Member
herez a brief information on teak. For detailed information on where to get the saplings, cost of the saplings and land procurememnt you can contact the forestry department.

TEAK (Tectona grandis)

Teak is the paragon among Indian timbers. It is a large tree that attains a height more than 30 m. Teakwood is extensively used in construction, for making door/window shutters and frames, furniture, cabinets, railway coaches and wagons, and ship/boat building. It is an ideal wood for parquet and decorative flooring and excellent wood for wall panelling. The species is indigenous to India and the Southeast Asian region. In India teak is distributed naturally in the peninsular region. It prefers a warm moist tropical climate with mean annual precipitation of 1100-2000 mm and a well-drained fertile soil. Being a strong light demander it does not tolerate overcrowding and does not withstand waterlogging.

Seeds (fallen fruits) should be collected from vigorously growing middle-aged trees characterized by straight boles, desirable branching habit, good form and less fluting. Freshly fallen intact fruits with inflated calyx from such trees can be collected during December-February. The ground must be cleared before hand by removing litter and other materials to facilitate seed collection. After cleaning and drying the seeds may be safely stored in gunny bags or sealed containers. Seeds of diameter greater than 9 mm are usually collected. For convenience in storage and transport, the bladder like calyx of the fruit is removed. This is done by half-filling a bag with the fruits and vigorously rubbing and shaking it or by beating with sticks, after which the remains of the calyces are separated from the nuts by winnowing. Due to hard seed coat, germination of one-year old seeds is better than that of fresh seeds.

Pre-sowing seed treatment
1. Wetting during night followed by drying in the sun. Repeat for two to three weeks.
2. Termite feeding: Spread the teak fruits on the ground in a 5 cm layer immediately after collection. After about five weeks the termites remove the exocarp and subsequent germination after alternate wetting and drying is found to be better.

Nursery practices
Raised beds (30 cm high, supported with split areca stems) of 10 x 1 m are formed. Sand and soil mixed with farmyard manure form the top layer. Sowing is done after the bed is watered. Usually the sowing is done by broadcast method or dibbling in April-May. Seed rate is 3-5 kg of seeds per bed. After sowing, the seeds may be pressed into the beds. A thin layer of soil also can be sprinkled to cover the seeds. The beds are also mulched with green leaves to reduce evaporation losses. The bed is then dusted with carbaryl 10% to prevent insect attack.

One-year-old seedlings of 1-2 cm (thumb thickness) at the thickest portion below the collar are removed from mother beds and used for making stumps. Stumps with 15-20 cm of root at 2-3 cm of stem prepared with sharp knives are commonly used for planting. Teak seedlings can be produced in shorter duration by using polythene bags or root trainers. Three to four month old teak seedlings are pricked out from the germination beds into polythene bags (30 cm x 20 cm) in the month of March/April. Three-month-old root trainer seedlings are also popular, of late.

With the pre-monsoon showers, stump planting is done in crowbar holes during April-May (four to six weeks before the onset of regular monsoons). The site must be cleared of stubble or other competing vegetation, if any. If containerized planting stock (polybags, root trainer) is used, then optimal time of planting may be after the onset of southwest monsoon in June-July. They are usually planted in pits of size 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm. Spacing recommended for monospecific woodlot is 2 m x 2 m. However, if intercrops are proposed to be raised, then row-to-row distance can be altered. For one or two row strip plantings at farm boundaries, a closer plant-to-plant spacing of 1 m could be employed.

Weeding and fertilization
Six or seven weeding may be necessary during the first two years. Teak is very susceptible to weed competition. Fertilizers may be applied @ 30-40 g N, 15-20 g P2O5 and 15-20 g K2O per plant per year from the second year to the fifth year and thereafter once in three to four years for 10-12 years. In agroforestry situations, if the intercrops are fertilized, the quantities of chemical fertilizers applied to teak can be proportionately reduced or even skipped. Providing life-saving irrigation during the summer season favours teak growth.

For a fifty-year rotation, monospecific teak plantation on a good site (initial spacing 2 m x 2 m), thinning may be carried out at 4, 8, 12, 18, 26 and 36 years after planting. Thinning in short rotation (25-30 years) high input plantations can be at 4, 8, 12 and 16 years. The thumb rule governing thinning is that trees should not be allowed to compete with each other for site resources, as intense competition may depress teak growth. Therefore, considering the site characteristics, tree growth rate and merchantability of the thinned out materials, a flexible thinning schedule can be adopted. A teak density management diagram can be used for this purpose. In general thinning is delayed on poor sites.

Mixed plantations
Fruit/spice/medicinal trees also can be successfully intercropped with teak throughout its growth. Additionally, inclusion of nitrogen fixing trees such as Gliricidia or Leucaena (subabul) either in alternate rows or every third row not only improves teak growth but also saves chemical nitrogenous fertilizers. However, manage (by lopping or pruning) the nitrogen fixing tree component in such a way that it does not compete with teak for light.

Pests, diseases and their control
White grubs feed on roots in the nursery. Apply phorate 10 G or carbofuran 3G @ two teaspoon full mixed with fine sand. Vascular wilt disease (Burkholderia solanacearum) is noticed in nursery and young plantations. As preventive measures against this disease, maintain proper drainage and avoid root injury. Leaf spot disease (Phomopsis sp. and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) in nursery and young plantations can be controlled by mancozeb 0.05% or carbendazim 0.05% application. Against pink disease (Corticium salmonicolor) in young plants, apply Bordeaux paste.

Defoliators (Hyblaea purea) and skeletonisers (Eutectona machaeralis) can be controlled by quinalphos 25 EC 0.05% spray. However, only in small plantations / woodlots chemical control through insecticide spray is advocated. For controlling stem borer (Sahyadrassus malabaricus) apply 0.2% quinalphos at the site of infection after removing the frass. Avoid injury to root and collar to prevent bud rot and heart rot occurrence. Cut and remove the parasitic plants (Dendrophthoe falcata var. pubescens) before fruiting.



Active Member
Dear Mr. Moin Khan,

If you are interested in bulk purchase of excellent quality of Imported Teak Wood Round / Square

machined Logs anywhere in the world I will give you the contacts you can deal with the company

directly, Please contact me .............Also I can guide you in cultivation of different types of trees in

Konkan region.

Thanks and Regards
pradeep rokade


Well-Known Member
Hello there,
I am from mumbai but working abroad in gulf from past few years... I have heard a lot about these teak plantation business that's why i was just curious to know more details about it. Im planning to come to mumbai on vacation by august end and I would like to know full information about how to go about so that i know the proper procedure. I am really interested to know details about the land cost, the miscellaneous expenditure and teak saplings costs and maintenance and everything that is necessary to know as a beginner... I am planning to buy land and have these planted on a 2 acre in konkan area... Can anybody help me in this as i have ZERO knowledge about it...
150 acres/part of barren land (@ Rs.60, 000/acre) & 8 acres mango plantation (@ Rs. 6 lakh/ acre) is available in Kokan, Maharashtra at Dehen, 28 kms. from Mandangad on Anjarle Rd. Road, water & electricity can be made available. Titles are clear.


Well-Known Member
Tissue culture Teak plantations

Hi sir,

We are the pioneers in arboriculture (tree plantations) past nine years.Kindly go for tissue culture teak plantations for better yield with quality timber with in a short period i.e minimum 10 to 12 years.we are having all kind of timber tree plants/saplings with specilised breed like NC 21,Nilambur,Kulsoor,nallamalla & telly .we are having the following tree plants / saplings with us.

1.sandalwood seedlings

2.redsanders stump culture

3.Teak Tissue culture

4.Acasia mangium Tissue culture

5.Gmelina Arborea seedlinds(Kumil,Kogan,komari)

6.Melia Dubia seedlings

7.Casurina Jinhunis tissue culture

6.Eugaliptus clonel

For more details plz ontact us;

A Sivakumar
Priya Nursery Garden
+91 9843080275


New Member
herez a brief information on teak. For detailed information on where to get the saplings, cost of the saplings and land procurememnt you can contact the forestry department.

TEAK (Tectona grandis)

Teak is the paragon among Indian timbers. It is a large tree that attains a height more than 30 m. Teakwood is extensively used in construction, for making door/window shutters and frames, furniture, cabinets, railway coaches and wagons, and ship/boat building. It is an ideal wood for parquet and decorative flooring and excellent wood for wall panelling. The species is indigenous to India and the Southeast Asian region. In India teak is distributed naturally in the peninsular region. It prefers a warm moist tropical climate with mean annual precipitation of 1100-2000 mm and a well-drained fertile soil. Being a strong light demander it does not tolerate overcrowding and does not withstand waterlogging.

Seeds (fallen fruits) should be collected from vigorously growing middle-aged trees characterized by straight boles, desirable branching habit, good form and less fluting. Freshly fallen intact fruits with inflated calyx from such trees can be collected during December-February. The ground must be cleared before hand by removing litter and other materials to facilitate seed collection. After cleaning and drying the seeds may be safely stored in gunny bags or sealed containers. Seeds of diameter greater than 9 mm are usually collected. For convenience in storage and transport, the bladder like calyx of the fruit is removed. This is done by half-filling a bag with the fruits and vigorously rubbing and shaking it or by beating with sticks, after which the remains of the calyces are separated from the nuts by winnowing. Due to hard seed coat, germination of one-year old seeds is better than that of fresh seeds.

Pre-sowing seed treatment
1. Wetting during night followed by drying in the sun. Repeat for two to three weeks.
2. Termite feeding: Spread the teak fruits on the ground in a 5 cm layer immediately after collection. After about five weeks the termites remove the exocarp and subsequent germination after alternate wetting and drying is found to be better.

Nursery practices
Raised beds (30 cm high, supported with split areca stems) of 10 x 1 m are formed. Sand and soil mixed with farmyard manure form the top layer. Sowing is done after the bed is watered. Usually the sowing is done by broadcast method or dibbling in April-May. Seed rate is 3-5 kg of seeds per bed. After sowing, the seeds may be pressed into the beds. A thin layer of soil also can be sprinkled to cover the seeds. The beds are also mulched with green leaves to reduce evaporation losses. The bed is then dusted with carbaryl 10% to prevent insect attack.

One-year-old seedlings of 1-2 cm (thumb thickness) at the thickest portion below the collar are removed from mother beds and used for making stumps. Stumps with 15-20 cm of root at 2-3 cm of stem prepared with sharp knives are commonly used for planting. Teak seedlings can be produced in shorter duration by using polythene bags or root trainers. Three to four month old teak seedlings are pricked out from the germination beds into polythene bags (30 cm x 20 cm) in the month of March/April. Three-month-old root trainer seedlings are also popular, of late.

With the pre-monsoon showers, stump planting is done in crowbar holes during April-May (four to six weeks before the onset of regular monsoons). The site must be cleared of stubble or other competing vegetation, if any. If containerized planting stock (polybags, root trainer) is used, then optimal time of planting may be after the onset of southwest monsoon in June-July. They are usually planted in pits of size 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm. Spacing recommended for monospecific woodlot is 2 m x 2 m. However, if intercrops are proposed to be raised, then row-to-row distance can be altered. For one or two row strip plantings at farm boundaries, a closer plant-to-plant spacing of 1 m could be employed.

Weeding and fertilization
Six or seven weeding may be necessary during the first two years. Teak is very susceptible to weed competition. Fertilizers may be applied @ 30-40 g N, 15-20 g P2O5 and 15-20 g K2O per plant per year from the second year to the fifth year and thereafter once in three to four years for 10-12 years. In agroforestry situations, if the intercrops are fertilized, the quantities of chemical fertilizers applied to teak can be proportionately reduced or even skipped. Providing life-saving irrigation during the summer season favours teak growth.

For a fifty-year rotation, monospecific teak plantation on a good site (initial spacing 2 m x 2 m), thinning may be carried out at 4, 8, 12, 18, 26 and 36 years after planting. Thinning in short rotation (25-30 years) high input plantations can be at 4, 8, 12 and 16 years. The thumb rule governing thinning is that trees should not be allowed to compete with each other for site resources, as intense competition may depress teak growth. Therefore, considering the site characteristics, tree growth rate and merchantability of the thinned out materials, a flexible thinning schedule can be adopted. A teak density management diagram can be used for this purpose. In general thinning is delayed on poor sites.

Mixed plantations
Fruit/spice/medicinal trees also can be successfully intercropped with teak throughout its growth. Additionally, inclusion of nitrogen fixing trees such as Gliricidia or Leucaena (subabul) either in alternate rows or every third row not only improves teak growth but also saves chemical nitrogenous fertilizers. However, manage (by lopping or pruning) the nitrogen fixing tree component in such a way that it does not compete with teak for light.

Pests, diseases and their control
White grubs feed on roots in the nursery. Apply phorate 10 G or carbofuran 3G @ two teaspoon full mixed with fine sand. Vascular wilt disease (Burkholderia solanacearum) is noticed in nursery and young plantations. As preventive measures against this disease, maintain proper drainage and avoid root injury. Leaf spot disease (Phomopsis sp. and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) in nursery and young plantations can be controlled by mancozeb 0.05% or carbendazim 0.05% application. Against pink disease (Corticium salmonicolor) in young plants, apply Bordeaux paste.

Defoliators (Hyblaea purea) and skeletonisers (Eutectona machaeralis) can be controlled by quinalphos 25 EC 0.05% spray. However, only in small plantations / woodlots chemical control through insecticide spray is advocated. For controlling stem borer (Sahyadrassus malabaricus) apply 0.2% quinalphos at the site of infection after removing the frass. Avoid injury to root and collar to prevent bud rot and heart rot occurrence. Cut and remove the parasitic plants (Dendrophthoe falcata var. pubescens) before fruiting.

Dear Madam,
your article is very informative. I thank you for the advice. Further, I have purchased about 500 sapplings in may last year. however, due to labour constraints near my farm, i couldnot plant them. But later by last year december, I changed the cover to 5kg covers. Now the plants are good. And we are getting Pre-monsoon showers. As you have advised to Plant teak b/w April - May, can i undertake planting? i have already got land dug out for 1.5ft / 1ft width. and from one plant to another there will be 8ft gap.
I have bought 1 tractor load cattle manure already. what manure do u suggest, I feel that the growth in polythene covers is stunted and is not showing very good growth. is there any chemical fertilizer i should use?
Please clear my doubts as I plan to undertake planting before the monsoon sets.
With Regards,
Janardhan Raju


Well-Known Member

Fertilizers may be applied @ 30-40 g N, 15-20 g P2O5 and 15-20 g K2O per plant per year from the second year to the fifth year and thereafter once in three to four years for 10-12 years. In agroforestry situations, if the intercrops are fertilized, the quantities of chemical fertilizers applied to teak can be proportionately reduced or even skipped. Initially apply FYM to the pits.



New Member
What is the gapping required to plant teak

Dear Madam,
Can you advice me on what should be the distance b/w one plant to another? what is the frequency in which watering has to be done?


Well-Known Member

Spacing followed is 2m x 2m. Watering and its frequency depends on the climate and soil type, its moisture holding capacity. You are the best judge to decide when they need to be watered.



Well-Known Member
Teak plantation


The 2mx2m spacing of teak plantation is not advisable as per my own experience.Because for root/stump culture planting the side branches will comes like trunk size .i recommand the spacing of teak plantation like 12'x12',
10'x10' &9'x6' .The last dimension of 9'x6' is very opt for tissue culture teak plantations.

For more details plz contact us;

A Sivakumar
Priya Nursery garden


New Member
Just wanted to know about the Rules and Regulations by Indian Government for private teak plantations... What is the minimum age for cutting down teak trees ? Do i need to pay anything (commission or tax) to the goverment after or during cutting down teak trees on my private land ???
Can anybody help by replying to my questions ???


Well-Known Member
Teak plantation


The spacing for teak plantation stated in this site as 2mx2m is not advisable.kindly opt the spacing dimension as follows 12'x12',10'x10' & 9'x6'

thank you
a sivakumar


Active Member
Available good quality teak wood procured directly from plantations in Kumasi Ghana, West Africa to any Indian port in 20ft containers.
Teak supply would be 15 to 60 years old in the form of Rough Square Logs in sizes averaging 1.75 to 2.50 cft per log and Round Logs in sizes averaging 2.75 to 4 cft per log. Interested parties may contact us for further details regarding photographs specifications, prices and terms & conditions.

Pradeep Rokade

e-mail: pradeeprokade@rediffmail.com
cell: 09821096811


Well-Known Member
Teak plantation

Hi moderator,

The spacing of the teak plants 2meter X 2 meter is sufficient?

A Sivakumar

Teak SAGWAN FARMING india अब करोड़पति बनना है आसान

we r private lmited companey based in mumbai exporter of teak wood timbers, wood timbers and timber wood products like timber boards, timber logs, board ply products, wooden margins and wooden laminated floorings we integrate farming of sagwan teak with buy back gurantee with stamp paper of 100 rs with registration from high court of mumbai with current market rate of sagwan wood . We integrate sagwan teak tissue culture farming give cd. and booklet with registration cirtificate and form to cut your tree .we also provide traning to get maximum interest in farming and get to start your own bussiness in ur state .we give services regular visit to your farm after plantation to know the technical problems which can be short out by us only . we appoint frenchisee in each district and bdm of state for bussiness devolopment . if interested plz call us on 09670000455,09565732329 for such query . Come and invest Rs.79 for one plants and earn more then. that is approx Rs.2000 cub/feet x 15 cubic feet= 30,000 from one plant in 7- 9 yrs. To know our project detail of Teak tissue culture farming at your doorstep in your land visit our site .
Teak can be planted at 2m x 2m, 2.5m x 2.5m or 3m x 3m espacement. It can also be raised along with agricultural crops at a spacing of 4m x 4m or 5m x 1m.
• Plough lands thoroughly and level it of. Mark the areas for pit digging by alignment and staking.
• Dig pits of 35 x 35 x 35 cm sizes. Refill the soil after seasoning and mixing with Farm Yard Manure and insecticides. On poor gravely sites, replace the pit soil by good soil.
• Use pre sprouted stumps for planting.
• Best planting season is frm feb – sep or in winter.
• Firm up the soil after planting and apply irrigation wherever necessary.
• Apply 50 g of fertiliser in pit at the time of planting and thereafter in split doses or as per the fertility status of soil.
• Carry out weeding operations regularly. Weeding may be carried out @ 3 operations in the first year, 2 operations in second year and one operation in the third year.
• Carry out soil working periodically for better growth of plants. One working in the Ist year and two workings in 2nd and 3rd year may be adequate.
• Debudding in the initial years may be done to improve the quality of timber.
• Undertake prophylactic and control measures for protection of plants from insects/pests and diseases to ensure good health of the crop.
Study has revealed that, irrigation during stress period boosts the growth of the plants. Irrigation should be followed by weeding (3,2,1) and adequate soil working. Two doses of fertiliser (in the month of August & September) @ 50 gm per plant of NPK (15:15:15) may be provided every year upto two years. By increasing the inputs of irrigation and frequent thinning, it is possible to increase the rate of diameter growth. The increase in diameter growth is, however, dependent on increasing the size of the crown i.e.. decrease in the number of trees per acre. In other words, one can have either lesser no. of trees of higher girth or larger number of trees of lower girth. It has been observed that teak trees grown under irrigated condition grew faster but the sapwood content of trees increased, the wood became weak and wind damage became quite serious. A phenomenon of water blisters may also develop in teak trees grown under irrigated conditions.
Many people claim that, teak grown with fertiliser and irrigation give excellent result. Drip irrigation will induce surface roots and epicormic branching. Nitrogen fertilisers will increase the nitrogen content of leaves. Initially larger leaves will increase photosynthesis and faster growth.
Harvesting, yield
The highest growth under plantation condition in India was seen in the Indo-Gangetic belt of Haldwani Division
Insects, Pest and Diseases :
Teak defoliator & skeletoniser (Hyblaea puera and Eutectona machaeralis) cause extensive damage to young plantations. Root rot due to Polyporous zonalis is also common in plantation. Pink disease fungus causes cankers and bark flaking. Powdery mildew caused by Olivea tectonae & Uncinula tectonae leads to premature defoliation. It is thus necessary to undertake prophylactic and control measures to ensure good health of the crops. This method is of immense importance in the insect, pest control considering its harmless and pollution free implications on the environment further avoiding the operational and residual hazards that involve in the use of organic and inorganic insecticides
irrigation during stress period boosts the growth of the plants. Irrigation should be followed by weeding (3,2,1) and adequate soil working. Two doses of fertiliser (in the month of August & September) @ 50 gm per plant of NPK (15:15:15) may be provided every year upto three years. By increasing the inputs of irrigation and frequent thinning, it is possible to increase the rate of diameter growth. The increase in diameter growth is, however, dependent on increasing the size of the crown i.e.. decrease in the number of trees per acre. In other words, one can have either lesser no. of trees of higher girth or larger number of trees of lower girth. It has been observed that teak trees grown under irrigated condition grew faster. A phenomenon of water blisters may also develop in teak trees grown under irrigated conditions. Such trees may appear quite healthy from outside but the inner heartwood may develop rot due to storage of excess water that increases the spread of fungi which may further damage the tree.
Many people claim that, teak grown with fertiliser and irrigation give excellent result. Drip irrigation will induce surface roots and epicormic branching. Nitrogen fertilisers will increase the nitrogen content of leaves.. The control through insecticides is not, therefore, possible. Once the trees are established they generally donot respond significantly to irrigation and fertilisers.
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TEAK & SAFEDA Sagwan Farming - Home PLANTATION
We integrate teak and safeda plantation in india .we have more then 50,000 farmers across india . we r private lmited companey based in mumbai exporter of teak & safeda wood , wood timbers and timber wood products like timber boards, timber logs, board ply products, wooden margins and wooden laminated floorings we integrate farming of teak & safeda with buy back gurantee on stamp paper of 100 rs with registration from high court of mumbai with current market rate of wood .
We integrate EUCALYPTUS & TEAK tissue culture farming give cd. and booklet with registration cirtificate and form to cut your tree .we also provide traning to get maximum interest in farming and get to start your own bussiness in ur state .we give regular visit to your farm after plantation to know the technical problems which can be short out by us only . We appoint frenchisee in each district and B.D.M. of state for bussiness devolopment , if interested plz call us on for such query
Teak plantation:
Come and invest Rs.70 for one plants and earn more then. that is approx 500 plant in one acre .Rs.2000 per cub/feet x 15 cubic feet from one tree =R.S. 30,000 from one tree in 7 - 9 yrs.
R.S. 30,000 x 500 plant in onc acre = 150,00000/-
1 crore fifty lakhs

Safeda (eucalyptus) plantation:
By platinting Eugliptus Clonel you will get wood nearly 100 to 150 kgs per tree.
Per acre you need minimum 1400 to 1800 clones approximately.
We give rough calculation here i.e per acre 1500 plants .On completion of 4 th years you will get 100 Kgs per tree .So the total yield per acre is 1500 X 100= 150000 kgs i.e 150 matric tons per acre .The present market rate is Rs 5000 to 6000 matric ton. So the farmers will get per acre
150 matric ton X R.S 6000=9,00000
nine lakhs
To know our project detail of Teak tissue culture & safeda (eucalyptus) farming at your doorstep in your land visit our site .

Terms and conditions :
Availability of plants in company's green house is invariably in short supply. Pricing of planting stock is declared in advance to ensure that the farmers can book their plants any time during the year. Many a times, all plants in our nursery stock stand booked much earlier that their final lifting. We therefore encourage farmers to book plants in advance to ensure their availability. We always maintain transparency in supplying plants on first cum first serves bases and on terms and conditions as mentioned on the receipt.

Teak can be planted at 2m x 2m, 2.5m x 2.5m or 3m x 3m espacement. It can also be raised along with agricultural crops at a spacing of 4m x 4m or 5m x 1m.
• Plough lands thoroughly and level it of. Mark the areas for pit digging by alignment and staking.
• Dig pits of 35 x 35 x 35 cm sizes. Refill the soil after seasoning and mixing with Farm Yard Manure and insecticides. On poor gravely sites, replace the pit soil by good soil.
• Use pre sprouted stumps for planting.
• Best planting season is from feb – sep or in rainy season.
• Firm up the soil after planting and apply irrigation wherever necessary.
• Apply 50 g of fertiliser in pit at the time of planting and thereafter in split doses or as per the fertility status of soil.
• Carry out weeding operations regularly. Weeding may be carried out @ 3 operations in the first year, 2 operations in second year and one operation in the third year.
• Carry out soil working periodically for better growth of plants. One working in the Ist year and two workings in 2nd and 3rd year may be adequate.
• Debudding in the initial years may be done to improve the quality of timber.
• Undertake prophylactic and control measures for protection of plants from insects/pests and diseases to ensure good health of the crop.
Study has revealed that, irrigation during stress period boosts the growth of the plants. Irrigation should be followed by weeding (3,2,1) and adequate soil working. Two doses of fertiliser (in the month of August & September) @ 50 gm per plant of NPK (15:15:15) may be provided every year upto two years. By increasing the inputs of irrigation and frequent thinning, it is possible to increase the rate of diameter growth. The increase in diameter growth is, however, dependent on increasing the size of the crown i.e.. decrease in the number of trees per acre. In other words, one can have either lesser no. of trees of higher girth or larger number of trees of lower girth. It has been observed that teak trees grown under irrigated condition grew faster but the sapwood content of trees increased, the wood became weak and wind damage became quite serious. A phenomenon of water blisters may also develop in teak trees grown under irrigated conditions.
Many people claim that, teak grown with fertiliser and irrigation give excellent result. Drip irrigation will induce surface roots and epicormic branching. Nitrogen fertilisers will increase the nitrogen content of leaves. Initially larger leaves will increase photosynthesis and faster growth.
Harvesting, yield
The highest growth under plantation condition in India was seen in the Indo-Gangetic belt of Haldwani Division
Insects, Pest and Diseases :
Teak defoliator & skeletoniser (Hyblaea puera and Eutectona machaeralis) cause extensive damage to young plantations. Root rot due to Polyporous zonalis is also common in plantation. Pink disease fungus causes cankers and bark flaking. Powdery mildew caused by Olivea tectonae & Uncinula tectonae leads to premature defoliation. It is thus necessary to undertake prophylactic and control measures to ensure good health of the crops. This method is of immense importance in the insect, pest control considering its harmless and pollution free implications on the environment further avoiding the operational and residual hazards that involve in the use of organic and inorganic insecticides
irrigation during stress period boosts the growth of the plants. Irrigation should be followed by weeding (3,2,1) and adequate soil working. Two doses of fertiliser (in the month of August & September) @ 50 gm per plant of NPK (15:15:15) may be provided every year upto three years. By increasing the inputs of irrigation and frequent thinning, it is possible to increase the rate of diameter growth. The increase in diameter growth is, however, dependent on increasing the size of the crown i.e.. decrease in the number of trees per acre. In other words, one can have either lesser no. of trees of higher girth or larger number of trees of lower girth. It has been observed that teak trees grown under irrigated condition grew faster. A phenomenon of water blisters may also develop in teak trees grown under irrigated conditions. Such trees may appear quite healthy from outside but the inner heartwood may develop rot due to storage of excess water that increases the spread of fungi which may further damage the tree. Sagwan Farming - Home
Many people claim that, teak grown with fertiliser and irrigation give excellent result. Drip irrigation will induce surface roots and epicormic branching. Nitrogen fertilisers will increase the nitrogen content of leaves.. The control through insecticides is not, therefore, possible. Once the trees are established they generally donot respond significantly to irrigation and fertilisers.
call 09670000455,8805657748
Sagwan Farming - Home
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Well-Known Member
Teak cultivation

Kindly select tissue culture teak saplings for plantations for assured income after 15 years.if anybody opt the old type of teak cultivation i.e stump propagation they may be throw in the hell because there is no assurance for income & yield.

For more details plz contact uas:

a Sivakumar
priya nursery garden


Hi All,

I work with a company that was formed by Scientist, biologist and promoters, with an intention to bring back Indians towards sustainable Agriculture.

Few of the project highlights include;

 Maximum Investment Security
 Ethical Plantation Management
 Un-attended Income for Investors
 Sustainable Organic Farming

has a vision, ‘ Promote Collective Farming and Sustainable Agriculture among Indians who do not have time or expertise in agriculture management’.

We have managed to keep the investment at rock-bottom prices, manage risk effectively and provide maximum investment security with the help of contributions from renowned scientists and biologists like Dr. H.S. Anantha Padmanabha (IWST), among others.


• Gated farming with in-house swimming pool and bamboo cottages.
• Project being managed by renowned Scientists & Biologists having 40+ years of exp.
• 300 sandalwood, 100 mango and 50 teakwood per acre
• Project approved for claimable insurance of 4.5 crores INR per acre.
• Project planned with all contingency planning such as
1) Organic pest management preparation
2) Rain Water harvesting management system
3) Ground water recharging management.
4) Windmill for alternate dependency on electricity.

• Adaptation of cutting edge technology for crop protection.
• Land ownership in the name of investor giving complete control of investment.
• Minimum investment requires is as low as 3 lakhs.

Available in 1200 SqYds, 2400 Sq Yds and 4800 SqYds
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Well-Known Member

Big Offer For Globule Worming Avairnas Program 50% Extra TEAK Plants/ Saplings On 1000+ Plants Then 01/10/2013 To 30/11/2013 & CALL US 09936420215



Inform to All,,

Firstly i would Like to introduce my Firm Name Nafees Nursery & Exporter located Mujasa Malihabad Lucknow U.P ( INDIA ). 09415532515 / 09936420215 / 09839886298 Our NURSERY is a Large-Scale Production ,Manufacture,Grower,Exporter,Horticultural Consultant ,Bulk Supplier, and Distributors of Best Quality Seedlins , Grafted Fruits Plants /Saplings, Ornamental Plants /Saplings, Herbals Plants /Saplings,Medicinal Plants /Saplings, Forestry Plants /Saplings, All Type Seeds, Garden Grass and Planting Material, which deals into Horticulture.

DIRECT EXPORT AVAILABLE Origin Lucknow Air Port india to Destination(Full Name) ABU DHABI, BAHRAIN, DOHA, DAMMAM, DUBAI, FRANKFRUT, JEDDAH, KUWAIT, LONDON, MUNICH, MUSCAT, MILAN, PARIS, RIYADH, SALALAH,NEPAL,BANGKOK and other Destination Export Origin Delhi Air Port to Importer Destination.

We sale all type Best Quality Seedlins , Grafted Fruits Plants Saplings,fruit trees Small 2 Feets To Big 8 Feets size without poly and With polybag grafted Mango Plants/ Saplings/ Fruit tree ,Dushari Mango Plants/ Saplings/ Fruit tree ,Amarpali Mango Plants/ Saplings / Fruit tree, Mallika Mango Plants/ Saplings / Fruit tree,Chousa Mango Plants/ Saplings / Fruit tree, Langra banarasi Mango Plants/ Saplings / Fruit tree and other Mango Plants/ Saplings / Fruit tree which are yielding is high per acre and crop is highly profitable. Cost of each plant Plz Call Me 09936420215 are Email me >nafeesnursery_exporter@yahoo.co.in


1.Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority Govt of India.(APEDA)

2.Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India.(ASSOCHAM)

Teak hybrid plants, saplings ,veritys

1.Teak hybrid plants / saplings

2.Teak seedling plant / saplings

3.Teak australian plant / saplings

4.Teak normal plant / saplings

5.Teak hybrid big leaf plant / saplings

Sugar-free mangoes - The Hindu
