Event Talk with Mr. Palaneeswar Rajarathinam on "What is Sustainable farming? Blend of traditional, innovative & scientific approach in farming activities"



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Mr. Palaneeswar Rajarathinam is the CEO, Jeypee Biotechs, Virudhunagar District, Tamil Nadu. His interest is energy smart sustainable farming system, utilizing associated agriculture biodiversity for safe and sustainable food production. According to Mr. Palaneeswar Rajarathinam many key components in the biodiversity for food and agriculture are in decline; intense fossil fuel exhaustive chemical dependent farming has contributed to decline of biodiversity; associated biodiversity provides the key ecosystem service and greater scope for future sustainable & safe food production. He says acquiring new agriculture skills to innovatively use associated biodiversity in farming provides immense opportunity in food production. To know more view https://bit.ly/3g5pkQQ

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