Event Talk with Mr. Ashok Panwar on 'How to switch to organic farming?'



Staff member
Mr. Ashok Panwar a farmer from Madhya Pradesh is interested in farming from childhood. He says his passion is farming and farmer is responsible for the health of his consumers . He has received the Krishak Puraskar at the Taluk level in 2018 and also got certificates at the block level for doing innovative work in the fields like Solar Pump, Vermicompost , Nethouse for organic farming. To know more view https://bit.ly/2RUcT1L
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This event will be done on phone. If you are interested to join the call, please post a reply here along with your contact number. If you are unable to attend the call you can leave your questions/comments on the discussion thread. During the meeting, the moderators will ask the questions on your behalf. @ForumAdmin @Rajani_VMG
