Syngas power plant


I can offer very interesting SYNGAS Power plant originating from China with MAN genset. Via gassification biomass is changed into BIOSYNGAS on which special genset can run. Biomass like rice husk, wheat or other straw sources, straws, wood and other biomass can be used as input. Very efficient gassification process producing Power electricity. Minimal 1 MW to up to 5 MW.

More info can be forwarder by serious interest.

Best regards,
Dr Henk Valk
The Netherlands

Note: we can offer this plant via own company registrated in India

I am interested in the technology please let me know the other details.
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I am interested in this technology. Please let me know what would be cost of the project to start with 1MW - 5MW in India.

Thank you.
With regards

want to know..

Dear Sir,
I am interested in knowing the overall biomass requirement for 1 MW plant capacity
also i want to know the total CAPEX , OPEX for the 1 MW plant on biomass gassification.

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I would like to know the operational cost and the installation costing for the biogas to electricity project.

What much input material does it require for proper operational.

Please contact
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Dear Dr Henk Valk,

Can you post the answers in the public forum for the benefit of everybody.

It appears like lot of people have similar questions.


Hello all.

Sorry for late reply, was busy with other projects/meeting/fair/etc etc.

I have full documentation with me.

Biomass like rice husks, wheat/barley/maize straws, wood dust, cotton straw, cconut shells, all that kind of dry biomasses can be used in this gassification process.

For 1 MW about 1800 kg biomass per h is needed, assuming 300 days, 24 rs/day = 7200 hrs, about 12960 tons per year are needed.

Total costs for 1 MW biomass gassification power plant using GERMAN MAN special purpose genset is 4 crore

If someone is further interested, pls send me message as I do not check public forum that much.
Dr Henk Valk
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Dear Concern,

We are planning to set-up a power production plant from Rice Husk Ash and also other Bio Waste. Please let us know if deal with any of these equipment.

If yes, please send us a quote regarding the same.

Could you provide the details of the your company in India? we are iterested in knowing the CAPEX, OPEX and other details so as as to see that the project would be catagorically bankable

J N Dixit

Hello everyone. my name is Doss from Nasville. we have available some fire indoor strains for donation .We are located in Cali . check out our available strains and hit us up if need something.. OG Kush,Grandaddy Purple, Sour Diesel, Girl Scout and some minimal strains. all good top shelf for a collective or good to part out. if interested contact me (615) 499-6161 . Looking for serious dudes only and welcomes pick up and also willing to deliver if u are not close. overnight delivery for out of state orders. Very discreet.
