Suggestions for profitable agriculture



I have 13 Acres of agric land alongwith tractor and necessary instruments.My
entire land is waterlogged and we are doing traditional farming growing paddy
& wheat.There is water everywhere from July toOctober so we are forced to grow paddy_wheat.Can somebody suggest me more profitable crops in my situation.It may even be an indepedent way for drainage.


Well-Known Member


Subsurface drainage and biodrainage is the possible solution for your field.

Subsurface drainage systems, consisting of open and pipe drains with drain spacing varying between 45 and 150 m and drain depth between 0.90 and 1.20 m, were installed in farmers’ fields. The agro-climatic and soil conditions determine the most appropriate combination of drain depth and spacing, but the drain depths are considerably shallower than the 1.75 m traditionally recommended for the prevailing conditions in India. Crop yields in the drained fields increased significantly, e.g. rice with 69%, cotton with 64%, sugarcane with 54% and wheat with 136%. These increases were obtained because water table and soil salinity levels were, respectively, 25% and 50% lower than in the non-drained fields. An economic analysis shows that the subsurface drainage systems are highly cost-effective: cost–benefit ratios range from 1.2 to 3.2, internal rates of return from 20 to 58%, and the pay-back periods from 3 to 9 years. Despite these positive results, major challenges remain to introduce subsurface drainage at a larger scale. First of all, farmers, although they clearly see the benefits of drainage, are too poor to pay the full cost of drainage. Next, water users’ organisations, not only for drainage but also for irrigation, are not well established. Subsurface drainage in irrigated areas is a collective activity, thus appropriate institutional arrangements for farmers’ participation and organisation are needed

the method of bio-drainage, which is an agronomic solution that provides natural means of drainage for excess water of the area through trees and plants is ideal. The trees and plants used in this method like eucalyptus are capable of transpiring additional water analogous to water pumps. Furthermore, they can withdraw large amounts of salt and can control soil salinity. The method is sustainable, economically beneficial and ecologically safe.

