Strawberry Plants for Sale



Senior Member
How about growing your own Strawberry plants and enjoying these delicious beauties at home?

This offer is for people in and around Pune region. Two Strawberry mature plants ready to fruit in a plastic bucket with coco peat. You can plant them in soil in your garden or you can continue to grow them in coco peat.

If you choose to use coco peat then we suggest you use our liquid nutrients which are also available at e-bay India as well. Visit eBay Seller: atulkalaskar: Home, Decor Furnishings items on eBay India for more details.

Plants will be delivered in December 1st week or you can buy baby plants right now.

Best Regards

Atul Kalaskar
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why do strawberry in coco peat

why would you want to do strawberry at home in cocopeat when they grow perfectly well in soil and with ordinary farm yard manure? I have plants ready in soil which can be planted in hanging basket or pots and the plants cost just Rs5 in Pune.

Why would you want to have a manure in your house anyway? :-)

If they really grow so well in your farm with ordinary manure then why you want to sale plants? Sale Strawberries they fetch more than Rs. 5 per plant.

Strawberry as your experience must have showed you is very difficult plant to grow. Half of your crop you loose because of disease and other half is not producing enough because soil nutrients are not properly managed.

Coco peat allows you to have clean and sterile environment so no disease outbreak. Full spectrum of nutrient means extremely good quality and quantity of berries.

Does anyone guarantee that in Rs. 5? As they say if you give peanuts you get monkeys.

I am not interested in selling Rs. 5 plant but I am more interested in selling an experience where you enjoy growing these delicate plants and when they get flushed with berries I want my clients to enjoy the admiration.

Cheers!!! :-)

selling strawberry plants in soil bags

I am not trying to sell(sale ) my plants, that is how they are traditionally grown and sold in India and believe me that includes the geographic marking acquired strawberry grown in Mahabaleshwar. The taste of food comes from soil and water that the plant chooses to pick from the natural environment , not coco peat. There is a difference in formula milk and fresh milk from a grazing cow.

I hope that explains why I grow and would like to make available plants to be grown naturally.

best wishes

Taste of fruit does not come from soil or water but from the nutrients that are available and the conditions that are available to the plants. Plants don't care if nutrients they need are from soil or from dissolved salts. For them nutrients are nutrients. If there is a difference in milk then it's the processing issue and even then Doctors still recommend the formula milk don't they? Kids who grow up using formula milk do they turn out to be inferior? (You sure would know)

Anyhow my idea is to allow enthusiast to grow Strawberries in the comfort of their homes with no mess, stink and disease and still enjoy great quality yield which the plant is genetically capable of providing. In fact, I would suggest why don't you try it out yourself and see the difference?

I have also read your post about your experiment of growing capsicum and was sad to hear the yield was way below par and you really did not enjoy the experience. I am planting 6000 plants of color capsicum using hydroponics and it will really benefits us as well as our readers if we could compare the outcome. I would love to hear your views on plant productivity, fruit quality and taste of these capsicums and that may settle some of your / readers doubts on hydroponics.

Thanks for inputs and Happy Dasara to you and to all other readers.

guess one can't compare apples with oranges....since you seem to know of my doctor back ground, you will understand that I have seen enough of high tech world and the wonders it claims to deliver....I am making a very well thought out move from less lesser and low intervention agriculture......I believe that is the way to my future
best wishes

Sure, less, lesser and all that stuff is good for hobby grower. I am not surprised about comparing apples and oranges. Whenever I have put across the challenges to people I do get such answers. After all as Management experts always say the Data Does not Lie and that's where all the arguments end.

Fair enough, I will be posting the outcome of my commercial farm in terms of yield, quality, shelf life, taste for color capsicum for all to see and compare on their own, That sure will encourage Indian Agriculture professionals who would prefer do farming as a business rather than a hobby.

Best Wishes.

Nature is the best equaliser, may it win and I hope to be with it , rather than against. Is organic and non intervention agriculture not sustainable? Thats a debate in itself , time will tell & I am happy to go the non intervention way.

Hey Folks,

Some of you are missing the big point. We are not talking Nature here but Nurture is the key focus. Plants are living beings and we are just debating which nurturing is best.
As a commercial grower I do not have the luxury of allowing Nature's whims come in my way of doing business. I am just providing my plants what Nature is expected to provide optimally but since Nature being as volatile and as unpredictable as it is, I putting my humanly best to ensure if nature lacks I overcome.

So plants are growing naturally just as our kids who grow in good protected environment, eat processed but good quality food and are taken good care of so they become productive humans, I think that is what I am suggesting.

Take care of your plants, nurture them well and that alone will make agriculture a profitable venture.

Cheers to that!!!

lets grow roses from marigold seeds....its all about nurture folks .....
they all have a place in nature don't they , their own place ....
talking about commercial viability, "do nothing agriculture" is about minimal input , in marathi we say , Vikri hach nafa, sale prise = profit , for the non marathi to understand....

nature takes care, watermelons and mango in summer( to cope with the heat), bajri wheat and nachni in winter ( to cope with the cold), rice in rains (a crop that relishes swamps so that the 4 mnths in the farmers calender are not wasted )... thats bulk of our foods anyway.....a very small and often tertiary food requires hi tech inputs....

I guess that is so nothing then sale at anything and then claim we made profit....

Precisely these are the reasons why Indian agriculture is in shambles today. I could understand if such wise thoughts coming from illiterate, poor and down trodden farmer who can't make a descent living but these are the views of majority of so called well to do farmers who are just using the system to milk subsidies and loan waivers.

We need to change this mind set of "zero cost and whatever optput" to "Highest yield at proper cost" if we have to make agriculture successful.

When we start an industry, factory, consultancy (Doctor), do we use same logic? In fact is there any commercial activity (including the most ancient trade..) that uses above logic in the entire world? Only in India we use this for agriculture. Reason is simple. Exploitation. Exploit land, then exploit labor then exploit consumers.

It's undoubtedly the worst I have heard directly from horses mouth and as said "Nature Takes Care", I wonder is that the reason we see people putting their farms and land on sale which they thought they could cultivate for free?


These debates are helpful

But at the end of the day, these debates are helpful to all those who are interested on the subject.

Rajesh Agrawal

Stimulating Debate: High Tech Agri- Win

HHAHA The debate was so funny I totally lol'ed.

On a more serious note: Yes its better to grow in cocopeat but still strawberry will need organic manure....this is a nutrient hungry plant that bears delicious fruit and is a joy to look at.

Dear Igrower,

I certainly do agree about joy part and it's been my pleasure when I did the proof of concept at Pune.

Take a look at the link below.
YouTube - straw berrry in poly house 7/12

This will also prove that Strawberry in coco peat with nutrients from natural salts is also very desirable.
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Seema ji, have you ever listen about Lotus, that is a best example of Hydroponics and that is our national flower. Lotus takes all its nutrients from water not from soil, that's why it served to God. Same manner Mr. Atul is trying to make you understand the future of hydroponics. If you provide balanced nutrients to plant from any source of media plus light and carbondioxide, they will give you better fruits than soil.
