Stevia Seeds | PARAGUAY

Please visit We are agri-industrial pioneers and main stevia producers with plantations in Paraguay (South America) and California- USA.

We export seeds from Paraguay - homeland of stevia- with the highest quality. Our plantations and products have european certification EU 396/2005 (no chemicals used). We ship leaves with phytosanitary certificates from the Sanitation Comittee of South America (COSAVE).

- Stevia seeds live for 90 days at warm temperature. 18 months at 4C in refrigerators.
- Stevia plants need cross polination by native insects. Seeds produced in cities or areas that lack flying insects are not fertile.
- We offer international phytosanitary certificates, professional production protocol, reliable and serious website. Occasional sellers do not have any kind of certification or reliable website.

About our seeds:
- Minimum germination of 20,000-30,000 plants/ kg of seeds.
- They are fresh and fertile.
- We ship seeds that are no older than 5 days since harvesting.

- Native Variety (Criole) (Steviosides: >70%, Reb A >15%). More resistant to lack of water.
- Eirete, Katupyry and Morita II and III (Reb A >55%, Steviosides >15%). Industrial varieties, irrigation systems are mandatory, highest cotization in the market because of the highest content of Rebadioside A (better taste and sweeter than Stevioside)

Oscar Miguel Paats
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Hello Stevialand,

Pl send your contact details for my records.

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SteviaLand | Stevia Seeds

We ship from Paraguay via Express mail or certified air mail.
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Senior Member
Dear Sir,
You are doing so nice work with stevia cultivation systems.As per my opinion it will be very necessary to create the awareness about the uses of STEVIA, and also all legal laws passed from all Countries for that cultivation and uses.So many people having doubt about with the permission from or banned from WHO.
If possible pl send the copy to my mail /
