Stevia meethi patti (Alternate of Suger) available in bulk



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Stevia plants are available with us for the stevia cultivation. Buy back facility is availabel with the plants don't hesitate in stevia cultivation. We will purchase your all the stevia dry leaves.

Brief Detail oF plants

1. No of Plants required per acre 30,000-40,000
2. Average costing of normal plant Rs 3-4/Plant
3. Normal Mortality 5 % of total planted saplings
5. Average costing of biotechnology plant Rs 9-10/Plant

STEVIA is a miracle herb for the Diabetic patients, This source of natural sweetener. The plant is native to tropical and subtropical regions of North America and South America. It is grown widely in countries like Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay and Venezuela. In Venezuela it is being used over 1500 years. Stevia is natural calorie free sweetener. To live a healthy life low calorie intake is essential for diabetic patient. In our daily life sweetener is main part of our taste. The normal sugar is main source of our sweetener. Stevia leaves are 30 times sweeter than normal sugar. The extract of Stevia Stevioside-Rebaudioside is around 300-400 times sweeter than normal sugar.

In India Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society is leading organization in technology of Stevia cultivation and in stevia processing. The organization is ISO 9001 certified. It is working since 1996. Organization is providing buyback guarantee for the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants under 4000 Acre. Among this contractual farming Stevia is being cultivated in 500 Acres. The Plant of Stevia can be grown in pot in home. It can be consumed directly
to change the taste in daily life. If you want to grow this herb at your home
you can contact us. This is also a good gift for your near and dear
Who is Suffering from Diabetes

Stevia is used in following Forms:-

o Dried green Stevia Leaves
o Green powder of the leaves
o White Stevioside powder
o Stevioside Liquid


•To provide sustainable income generation & livelihood activity to poor & disadvantaged people
•Empowerment of women & child through mobilization & capacity building
•Promote agriculture as a viable income generating activities using new technology with focus on cultivation of medicinal & horticulture plants
•To promote marketing support for income generating & livelihood activities
•To promote environment friendly techniques like Jatropha cultivation, organic farming, herbal plantation
•Promote & support the environmental & rural development projects & programmes
•To educate people for efficient & sustainable use of natural resources
•To promote research & development in the agriculture field
•Dairy development & promotion of dairy products.

please ask us if you have any qiuery and see our website HCMS
