Stevia cultivation serices



Active Member
Stevia health benifits

Stevia cultivation In Assam :-

Organic Innovation is the pioneer stevia cultivator of North East assam.We Provide Stevia Cultivation materials like Stevia plants, Vermicompost, Neem Cake, Trichoderma and training on Stevia, other medicinal herb cultivation and Vermicompost unit with 100% buy back agreement.

Stevia is a successfully crop which can be grown in In Assam . The Climatic condition of Assam suits the stevia cultivation. We can provide you the complete consultancy for the stevia cultivation. Our representative will help you the get your farm developed. We will also provide you the stevia plants at very competitive rate.

We have contact with the stevia processing unit in India. Stevia is a very profitable crop. Once it is grown it can be harvested for five years. The stevia leaves are used for the making of the calorie free sweetener. There is huge demand of the natural calorie free sweetener in India due to the Diabetes Disease.

This is best time for the stevia cultivation. The people or growers who are interested to do the stevia cultivation can do the plantation. The plantation can be done by the saplings. The saplings are available in the market. If you don’t get from open market please ask us we will supply you the saplings. The plant can be planted on the beds. The plantation on the bed helps to do the intercultural agricultural practices, like hoeing, weeding, cutting, manuring. It also save from the water logging condition. The seed/root treatment can be done by the trichodrama powder. Normally we can plant 30,000 plants in one acre. In one acre you can get return of Rs 1, 70,000 - 1, 80,000. The net return can be around Rs 1, 20,000 - 1, 40,000/Acre. Mansoon time is best for the new plantation.

The current stevia marketing is increasing day by day. We can provide you the best price of your Stevia leaves. Please contact immediately. This is one of the best times to start the Stevia cultivation.
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Well-Known Member

Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) commonly known as sweet herb. Stevia is a natural sweetener, calorie free alternate of sugar. The extract of stevia is known as stevioside. The plant is native to (Paraguay) South America. Stevia cultivation is done throughout the world in little to large level. Stevia cultivation in India is increasing day by day. We provide solution for stevia cultivation, processing and marketing. Stevioside is the 300 time sweeter than sugar. Stevioside is good for the diabetic patients.

Stevia is one of the most profitable crops for the coming future. As the crop is only source of natural sweetner. The people are being less hard worker that why they need calorie free substitute of the sugar. The artificial sweetener are problematic for the long term consumption. In the countries like Japan and Korea stevia sweetener contribute 50% market share.

The stevia crop is propagated by the seedlings. We can provide you the stevia seedling (plants) .You will require the 30,000 seedlings per acre. We provide the complete consultancy from cultivation technology, planting material supply, nutrient management(manure ), water management( drip irrigation instalation),and the most important one the Buy back. We provide buyback before starting the cultivation to our growers so that they can be ensure at the marketing side.


New Member
Stevia nursery in AP


I would like to cultivate Stevia. I am located in Andhra Pradesh.

Any nursery exists in AP for Stevia plants ?



Active Member
On 22 September 2012 Training Program on Stevia, Aloe vera & Organic Cultivation

On 22 September 2012 Training Program on Stevia & Organic Cultivation
Stevia cultivation training program

Organic Innovation ( organizing a Stevia (natural sugar plant) and Organic Cultivation Training Program on 22 September 2012.You can have complete guide to growing, harvesting, and marketing stevia leaves .Valuable information is compiled from growers, research trials, and the author’s own experience. Includes stevia leaf buyers, sellers, and other resources. Attendy could be individuals, Co-operates and rural farmers. Session includes market strategic, availability, future of medicinal plant,trading and export opportunities various knowledgeable information available for entrepreneur.


1.The complete information about commercial cultivation of medicinal plants and Stevia cultivation.
2.Before starting cultivation what parameters has to be taken?
3.Include field level primary processing /value addition activities.
4.Converting your business into small scale industries ?
5.On what parameters/standard Medicinal cultivation done?
6.Marketing aspects & services?
7.Profit percentage from single buyer and how much it is effective?
8.Guarantee of Buy back guarantor?
9.Certified plant saplings and seeds, surety of certification and standardization of material?
10.How can you choose any medicinal plants according to your place climate, Land soil and water availability?
11.List of Government certified & approved Herbal plants?
12.Climatically conditions, environmental improvement and soil improvement.
13.Employment to unemployed people?
14.Promotions of Herbal plants according to Government Schemes?
15.Medicinal farming through organic preparation?
16.Cultivation of Medicinal plants with minimum water level?
17.Safety about climatic diseases in Medicinal Herbs?
18.How to prepare nursery of Medicinal plants?
19.Subsidy from Central and State Government?
20.Formalities for Organic Certification?
21. Bankable projects and bank loan?


1.Vermicompost processing unit.
2.Stevia Farm Visit


Training Duration:- 1 day

Training Time:- 11:00 am to 4:00 pm

Training Place:- Guwahati

Training Type:- Residential Training

Guest : Dr. Amal Roy (Senior Scientist)

Contact for Registration:-
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Require Training for Stevia Cultivation

Hello Sir,

I am interested in Stevia Cultivation. I request you provide me the complete training details regarding the stevia cultivation.

Thanks in Advance.

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