stevia Cultivation consultancy In Punjab



Well-Known Member
Stevia is one of the most profitable crops for the coming future. As the crop is only source of natural sweetner. The people are being less hard worker that why they need calorie free substitute of the sugar. The artificial sweetener are problematic for the long term consumption. In the countries like Japan and Korea stevia sweetener contribute 50% market share.

The stevia crop is propagated by the seedlings. We can provide you the stevia seedling (plants) .You will require the 30,000 seedlings per acre. We provide the complete consultancy from cultivation technology, planting material supply, nutrient management(manure ), water management( drip irrigation instalation),and the most important one the Buy back. We provide buyback before starting the cultivation to our growers so that they can be ensure at the marketing side.

Please contact us with the contact details with your complete query location and the current cropping system to my private message


New Member
Info on Stevia


I am a former from Karnataka. Our soil type is Red+Stones soil. having water scarcity, exposed to lot of heat during the summer and cold winds in winters. some times it is humid also... this soil is very good for ground nuts. please let me know if it is good for the Stevia cultivation aswell.



New Member

i am bhushan from pune and give me the details about stevia what profit we can expect from that and what kind of land we required on my email
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