stevia Cultivation consultancy In Andhrapradesh



Well-Known Member
Stevia is one of the most profitable crops for the coming future. As the crop is only source of natural sweetner. The people are being less hard worker that why they need calorie free substitute of the sugar. The artificial sweetener are problematic for the long term consumption. In the countries like Japan and Korea stevia sweetener contribute 50% market share.

The stevia crop is propagated by the seedlings. We can provide you the stevia seedling (plants) .You will require the 30,000 seedlings per acre. We provide the complete consultancy from cultivation technology, planting material supply, nutrient management(manure ), water management( drip irrigation instalation),and the most important one the Buy back. We provide buyback before starting the cultivation to our growers so that they can be ensure at the marketing side.

Please contact us with the contact details with your complete query location and the current cropping system to my private message


New Member
Hi, I am interested to know more about Stevia cultivation. I have a land of five acres with mango trees, can I use the space available for this crop, will it be beneficial to have this a side crop? What is the investment and returns likely. Please give me a detailed summary, which will help me decide on this. Thank you for your time and advice.
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Stevia cultivation

I am interested in Stevia cultivation near Ongole in AP, kindly provide your contact details.



New Member
interested in forming Stevia details & buy back guaranty

hello sir/ madam
i am prasad from A.P interested in forming Stevia.
please send me details land type,water & buy back guaranty

Stevia is one of the most profitable crops for the coming future. As the crop is only source of natural sweetner. The people are being less hard worker that why they need calorie free substitute of the sugar. The artificial sweetener are problematic for the long term consumption. In the countries like Japan and Korea stevia sweetener contribute 50% market share.

The stevia crop is propagated by the seedlings. We can provide you the stevia seedling (plants) .You will require the 30,000 seedlings per acre. We provide the complete consultancy from cultivation technology, planting material supply, nutrient management(manure ), water management( drip irrigation instalation),and the most important one the Buy back. We provide buyback before starting the cultivation to our growers so that they can be ensure at the marketing side.

Please contact us with the contact details with your complete query location and the current cropping system to my private message
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New Member
please give your contact detail

please give your contact detail urgentl

Stevia is one of the most profitable crops for the coming future. As the crop is only source of natural sweetner. The people are being less hard worker that why they need calorie free substitute of the sugar. The artificial sweetener are problematic for the long term consumption. In the countries like Japan and Korea stevia sweetener contribute 50% market share.

The stevia crop is propagated by the seedlings. We can provide you the stevia seedling (plants) .You will require the 30,000 seedlings per acre. We provide the complete consultancy from cultivation technology, planting material supply, nutrient management(manure ), water management( drip irrigation instalation),and the most important one the Buy back. We provide buyback before starting the cultivation to our growers so that they can be ensure at the marketing side.

Please contact us with the contact details with your complete query location and the current cropping system
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m zameer

New Member
intrested to start cultivation got fertile red soil in ap plz get in touch with me.

sir i have study every thing about this plant i m in andhra pradesh want to start it now plz guide me

Stevia is one of the most profitable crops for the coming future. As the crop is only source of natural sweetner. The people are being less hard worker that why they need calorie free substitute of the sugar. The artificial sweetener are problematic for the long term consumption. In the countries like Japan and Korea stevia sweetener contribute 50% market share.

The stevia crop is propagated by the seedlings. We can provide you the stevia seedling (plants) .You will require the 30,000 seedlings per acre. We provide the complete consultancy from cultivation technology, planting material supply, nutrient management(manure ), water management( drip irrigation instalation),and the most important one the Buy back. We provide buyback before starting the cultivation to our growers so that they can be ensure at the marketing side.

Please contact us with the contact details with your complete query location and the current cropping system to my private message
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New Member
About plants

Hello sir ,
I am basically from hyderabad but i have a fertile lands in medak district and i would like to know more about this crop cultivation, can u please send me u r cont details or u r mail id so that i can discuss about this in detail..
Stevia is one of the most profitable crops for the coming future. As the crop is only source of natural sweetner. The people are being less hard worker that why they need calorie free substitute of the sugar. The artificial sweetener are problematic for the long term consumption. In the countries like Japan and Korea stevia sweetener contribute 50% market share.

The stevia crop is propagated by the seedlings. We can provide you the stevia seedling (plants) .You will require the 30,000 seedlings per acre. We provide the complete consultancy from cultivation technology, planting material supply, nutrient management(manure ), water management( drip irrigation instalation),and the most important one the Buy back. We provide buyback before starting the cultivation to our growers so that they can be ensure at the marketing side.

Please contact us with the contact details with your complete query location and the current cropping system to my private message
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New Member
Dear Provider,

I am intrested in Stevia Cultivation. I want to know more information on this.

Can you please provide your contact details.



New Member

i am interested in this,kindly send more details about this to "mr19830826 at gmail dot com"

Stevia is one of the most profitable crops for the coming future. As the crop is only source of natural sweetner. The people are being less hard worker that why they need calorie free substitute of the sugar. The artificial sweetener are problematic for the long term consumption. In the countries like Japan and Korea stevia sweetener contribute 50% market share.

The stevia crop is propagated by the seedlings. We can provide you the stevia seedling (plants) .You will require the 30,000 seedlings per acre. We provide the complete consultancy from cultivation technology, planting material supply, nutrient management(manure ), water management( drip irrigation instalation),and the most important one the Buy back. We provide buyback before starting the cultivation to our growers so that they can be ensure at the marketing side.

Please contact us with the contact details with your complete query location and the current cropping system to my private message
