Stevia and Safed Musli Cultivation



New Member
Hi, I am a software professional and i am looking to cultivate Stevia(3 acres) and safed musli(1 acre) in my hometown in varanasi UP. I need advice and counselling on this.
The land id good for farming and we generally do traditional farming.
Please help me on this.

Thanks in advance.

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Well-Known Member

Cultivation practices of stevia

Home : Stevia Cultivation

Soil Type and land preparation:
Stevia plant grow best in rich, well drained soils like red and sandy loam soils. The soil should be of fine tilt and natural ph. level. The land should be initially harrowed and then ploughed to break down the clods .The site should not be susceptible to flooding of or pudding. The raised bed should be of 15 cm (height)and 60 cm (width).The distance between two rows should be 40 cm and that between each plant 30 cm. This would give a plant population of around 20,000 to 25,000/per acre.

Micro sprinklers/drip are the best method of irrigating Stevia plants to avoid damage by excessive levels of moisture. Frequent light watering is recommended during the summer months while during winter months as the bed starts loosing moisture.

Stevia plants responds well to fertilizers with lower nitrogen content than fertilizer with Phosphoric Acids or potash content. Most organic fertilizers would work well since they release Nitrogen slowly. Since the feeder roots of Stevia plant tend to be very near to the surface, It is a good idea to add Compost for extra Nutrients if the soil is Sandy .Sustainable FYM, Wormi compost ,Organic manure/Cow Urine .02% folier spray may be the recommended dose. Nitrogen application is a must for the production of dry matter and good harvest of leaves.

Deweeding and maintenance:
There is no pest and disease incidence in this crop. In case any disease symptom is noticed, spraying of neem oil diluted in water is the best organic method. Removal of weeds can be done manually. Since the crop is grown on raised beds, interculture operations are easier by manual labor. Flowering of the plant should be avoided. Pinching of the apical bud would enhance bushy growth of the plant with side branches.

First harvest can be made after 4-5 months while the subsequent harvest can be made every 3 months for 3 years. The plant are cut just before flowering as the sweetener in the leaf is the maximum at that time. Leaves are harvested by plucking in a small quantity or the entire plant with the side branches is cut leaving 10 to 15cm from the base. The expected yield would be 2700 kgs of dried leaves per acre.

Post Harvest:
The harvested branches are dried in shade and the dried leaves are stripped off from the branches.The dried leaves are powdered sieved and the fine powder is stored in containers.

You can get complete technical information from the national Medicinal plants board or the nearest Horticulture department.



stevia cultivation

Dear Sir,

Greetings from Udyan!

Our company Udyan Herbomatrix Pvt Ltd is managed by Agri Scientists having specialisation in Medicinal and Aromatic plantation and one of the Director Dr V P Singh has done his Ph.D on stevia plant. Thus we provide back to back services for Medicinal and Aromatic plantation including Stevia. Please provide your contact details and we will provide you the brief profile of stevia.

Thanks and regards

Hi, I am a software professional and i am looking to cultivate Stevia(3 acres) and safed musli(1 acre) in my hometown in varanasi UP. I need advice and counselling on this.
The land id good for farming and we generally do traditional farming.
Please help me on this.

Thanks in advance.

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Established Member
i can give you complete detail, training to your worker, marketing detail and also buy back offer (if you want)on stevia and safed musli. feel free for contact me
virendra singroure
Space Consultancy Service
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