Solar Water Pumping System



New Member
We Phadnis Engineering Services provide Solar Water pumping system for already installed water pumps (Ac Single phase or 3 phase) 1 HP to 10 HP submersible or centrifugal pumps.

We also offer Solar DC Pumps of various capacities.
Mr. Raghunath K. Phadnis

solar pump

Mr. Raghunadh,
pl send me the details for existing 7.5hp 3 phase submercible pump to

We Phadnis Engineering Services provide Solar Water pumping system for already installed water pumps (Ac Single phase or 3 phase) 1 HP to 10 HP submersible or centrifugal pumps.

We also offer Solar DC Pumps of various capacities.
Mr. Raghunath K. Phadnis
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We Phadnis Engineering Services provide Solar Water pumping system for already installed water pumps (Ac Single phase or 3 phase) 1 HP to 10 HP submersible or centrifugal pumps.

We also offer Solar DC Pumps of various capacities.
Mr. Raghunath K. Phadnis

Pl send me rates for 2 Hp pump

Interested and Business Enquiry


Please,facilitate me complete details about products,price and terms.

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require solar pump

got a new bore well drilled . will be requiring a pump
send details please
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We Phadnis Engineering Services provide Solar Water pumping system for already installed water pumps (Ac Single phase or 3 phase) 1 HP to 10 HP submersible or centrifugal pumps.

We also offer Solar DC Pumps of various capacities.
Mr. Raghunath K. Phadnis
Pl send me details of products,prices,website, address etc
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REquesting quote and brochure for purchase

We Phadnis Engineering Services provide Solar Water pumping system for already installed water pumps (Ac Single phase or 3 phase) 1 HP to 10 HP submersible or centrifugal pumps.

We also offer Solar DC Pumps of various capacities.
Mr. Raghunath K. Phadnis

Dear Mr. Raghunath,
Please provide your quote and details of the mode of payment along with the brochure . Please advise how would the installation be done at site if we are located in a village.
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Required solar pump for irrigation

Dear Mr Raghunath,
i am intested in your D.C Solar pump,for 2.5'' 3'' 4''and 5''.kindly sent us your cattalog regarding solar pump 3hp 5hp 7.5hp and 10hp.
thanks,best regards
Mian Muhammad Afzall

We Phadnis Engineering Services provide Solar Water pumping system for already installed water pumps (Ac Single phase or 3 phase) 1 HP to 10 HP submersible or centrifugal pumps.

We also offer Solar DC Pumps of various capacities.
Mr. Raghunath K. Phadnis

Contact ........................................................
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rate of pump

We Phadnis Engineering Services provide Solar Water pumping system for already installed water pumps (Ac Single phase or 3 phase) 1 HP to 10 HP submersible or centrifugal pumps.

We also offer Solar DC Pumps of various capacities.
Mr. Raghunath K. Phadnis

sir plz send me a quatation of 10 HP 3 phase monoblock highspeed motor
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Require Solar Pump

We Phadnis Engineering Services provide Solar Water pumping system for already installed water pumps (Ac Single phase or 3 phase) 1 HP to 10 HP submersible or centrifugal pumps.

We also offer Solar DC Pumps of various capacities.
Mr. Raghunath K. Phadnis

We are looking for solar water pump with 5hp. Please give details.

Thanking you,
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