Soil and water analysis Kit



Well-Known Member
Soil and water analysis is first step for scientific and high technology intensive agriculture. The nutrient management and land improvement is done on the basis of analysis report. The govt laboratories take a lot of time to give the report. The farmers use the input as per recommendation of Agri-input seller. The sellers are concentrated on their own profit. The wrong recommendation cut the pocket of the grower it also put an adverse impact of the production. To be successful grower must be aware about the water and soil analysis of their land just like the blood group of an individual.

We can supply you a handy soil and water testing kit. Which can be easily handled by a normal farmer, it is easy to use. There is simple colour indication about nutrient availability in your soil. You can easily measure the pH of sample and all the necessary nutrients and parametres at the spot. Please send a private message.

Please send me your complete query to my private message box with contact details
