Software Professionals Turned Farmers




Can you please detail your experiences?

How did you manage labor, fodder and diseases?

How are you managing selling your milk?

How are you able to juggle this dairy farm with your job? Do share your story.

Hi Venki,

I have started with Murrah buffalo's


Well-Known Member
Time for agriculture


Its a cycle of agriculture like crop cycle i.e rotation of crop.Very soon all will come forward to do the agriculture otherwise we will meet very soon a big war among ourselves for eating foods day to day.So we will be in the agriculture in future.

A Sivakumar


New Member
Hi Guys!
Really interesting Thread. Well, Let me introduce myself first. I am Venkatesh
Always Poor agri man,
dvenkat u really made me and my father cry.
I was just by your words,
I`m a very intelligent boy in I.T. field but I like(love) agriculture only
hence instead of going for S/W field I`m going to devote my life in agriculture.
I`m just 19 now and want to make agri. as my only income source
I`m going to do agri. in advance way not the typical ways which my forefathers follow but still I`m in-experience and just want some advices and if possible Investments too.


I am also wrkg as software professional & hv my own software business(partner), I get too much stress, and as I m wrkg for local market , and not paid much, even after 23yrs
of experience in this field, It has become difficult to survive in city like mumbai, which is always on run and with technology changing so fast it has become difficult to cop up.

My family has around 11 acres land near hyderabad and has been regularly trying to find something on this site,our land is well connected with road & hv enough water for taking up any project, I m really interested in agri business and is very much interested in goat farming would like to work out someting who can guide me.


New Member
hi friends,

I wanna do some agribusiness that too mushroom cultivation.can someone pls tell me how to start nd be trained in that.where can i get the information regarding that.or any other cultivation which is profitable.



New Member
Integrated Farming System

Great to see the one thread which has witnessed the max number of views..

Hi, friends, I am rajaguru, me too was one among the thousands an year ago ruled by the metrics of the ITES industry. At last, we are through in acquirig the our land of 8 acres an year ago. Started an INTEGRATED FARM. As Mr.venkat shared we have fenced, got a commercial e- connection, got a borewell erected, got the infras completed, commenced the fish unit of the farm, planted 250 timber value saplings, crossed successfully 65 days of our first batch of paddy cultivation in 2.5 acres....

I can say you this " inspite of hard work , keen intrrest and other attitude vitals , clear planning is important.." " we got the metrics rule us , focus on ruling the metrics now" "Money earning starts in money saving first" ......


made my evening

Venki - you are one funny writer, made my evening. I do not want to dismiss your hardwork or disappointing experiences but I loved the way you described it...:)

well, you seem to be the resilient sort of person. Good luck in your next venture, I am sure you'll break thru!

Hi Guys!
Really interesting Thread. Well, Let me introduce myself first. I am Venkatesh working as Senior project Manager in Infosys. As you know everyday client call, project meeting, delivery schedule etc. I am just 33 and almost i have all problems in my body because of this stress. So i decided one year back that we need to do some business. So i selected Agri is my prime business. because i am seeing lot of potential area for the next 20 years.

For the same first i brought 8 acres of land in outskirt of chennai. Do you know how much struggle i faced

1) cleaning the area,
2) did fencing
3) made a hut
4) applied for electricity
5) digg bore
6) pipeline conenction etc etc.....

To get into the shape i spend moeny like anything , i can say lakhs and lakhs. Then only i relaised why farmers doing sucide... For each and everything i paid money for every department like VO, AD, Register etc.

Finally my land is ready for farming. So i decided to go with organice farming. I did a complete planning.

I went to agriculture department and brought a drum seeding machine - Hand move.

Very first time, i spreaded the seeds using this drum seeding machine and waited for 10 days... everything come properly but ... if paddy stawr grows for 2 inch... the cross is growing 5 inch. afetr 10 days.. i can't able to find out which one straw and which one paddy. So total floop.

Waitied for next season, now this time i went with regular method. This time i have put sufficient vitamins for my land. All my paddy straw grown well. I can say almost in arround 15 kms from my land.. my paddy straw was too good and grown well. every one in the town talking about my paddy starw. i did everything on time. i have taken care of medicine on time. So grown well. finally after 90 days i am seeing lots and lots of paddy grains in the straw.

I was so Happy that my project is success. i have to wait for another 20 days to do harvest. One fine day rain started. it was continues 4 days rain and all my paddy straw floating in the rain water. Inside i was crying liek anything. Not only because of money... money i can get that if i go one more time onsite. But the amount of hard work which i put in that was totally lost. so all the yellow grains are changed to black grains. finally i got some money.

As per my calculations i suppose to get 10k in one acre land. but i end up with 10k loss per acre plus my effort.

That's it i stopepd that day.. now it is more than 9 months i didn't do anything.. i am still thinking whether i should start a dairy cow farm in that land or goat form or thinking of cultivating casurina..

i have complete idea about all these things, but affriad to start. But surely i will start by next 3 to 3 months.

So what i want to convey here for the "Software Professionals" are Don't think that it is a easy business.

1) getting labour is a big problem. That too, if they think that you have money that's it they will suck you rblood liek anything.
2) You can't do pilot project or POC before doing this business.
3) on the field you have to jump and you have to learn, There is no NIIT,CSC or Aptech is there an doffcourse No Google is there to help you. You have to help yourself always.
4) On top of that you have to have Luck & god blessings.

5) To my understanding, i don't know how come they derived 24% ROI. The margin is less so if you decided to put your effort put it in the large size so that you will get very good amount.

1) In one cycle if eevrything goes fine minimum 5000 maximum 10000 you will get per acre.
IF you do it for 100 acres which is 5 lacs to 10 lacs per cycle. Per cycle meas end to end 4 to 5 months.

So what ever you are earning in IT , you can get the same in Agri too provided if you do it large size.

Always Poor agri man,


I agree completly with you guys

After working 6 yrs in IT industry, I am planning to go back to my home town and start some farming with innovative technologies, investment no bar, If any one have good idea can also share here.

Thank You
Laxmi RAJ


Need help in starting dairy farm

I am s/w professional now... I need your kind help to setup new dairy farm. I am very much passionate for the same. Will require report for the Dairy farm on my email ID.......

I am seeking your help in following topics

1. Is Dairy Farm profitable
2. Dairy Farming and common challenges in India
3. Suitable location for dairy farming --- I am thinking to start up Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
4. Cattle Procurement(Jersey and HF) Health management
5. Cattle fodder management
6. Cattle concetrate feed management system
7. Clean Milk Prodcution parameters
8. Dairy Farm Monitoring system
9. Fodder and Legume Cultivation in own Farm
10. Dairy Machinery procurement
11. Dairy Loan from Banks

Thanks in advance. Take you own time to reply but prompt reply will be highly appreciated

Please contact me at
If its feasible please give me your email ID.

Hope you will understand my need. send report as earliest possible once it received i will go through the same and then will some input from you.

Thanks and regards

24% returns is not an issue provided you take up agriculture as seriously as you take software development.

I feel people should take up agricultre as a back up plan. It should be used a a fall back option if something happens to their jobs.

I suggest please take simple pie in some thing have some experience with small level pilot projects in agri and at tright time of in case of some untoward incident you can have your own venture up and runing. I can tell you it will make you more assertive on job and also job will be less stressful. Try out geeks, Its high time we trust our lives in some one's hands. Take charge of your life.

You mau fall down many times but you will learn a lot and move ahead.

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Hi Guys,
For all the sceptics, Agriculture can fetch you MORE than 24%.. in some projetcs even as high as 85%. A recent example of a potato farmer making 2 crore annual profit from a 4 acre farm in rajasthan was also published in TOI. Problem my friends is
1. Land : land is getting expensive by the hour as people are starting to realise the potential of agri businesses and
2. Farmer Titles: Those from Non farming backgrounds cannot own agri land in india and even if you lease the land 33% of your annual income is immediately taken away as IT.

I am looking for the right kind of land for the last 6 years but could never find one in my budget.
Many builders are developing townships away from cities which leads farmers to believe that their land can fetch them higher prices so they demand unrealistically.
Nyways coming back to the topic, Farming is good business if you can devote the time and be patient for the first few crop cycles. Those having land in maharashtra are interested in working on longterm partnerships, I have multiple projects depending on soil and duration of return required. Please contact on the number on the right under name.


New Member
Can u please publish the link where u read the story in TOI about potato farming.

Milind Patil


Dont see Agri as a business

Hi Guys,

Nice to see many IT guys in this forum.

Me too working in IT and keep thinking if i can start a agri farm. From my interactions with farmers and readings from books, i am realising that if we look agri as just a business oppurtunity looking at the returns with out seeing the risks and investment(money and work) then we might end up with only disappoinment.

Often the other side looks green. Bored by seeing computer screens, keep changing technology, appraisals, interviews many IT guys think Agri would be stress free and farmers have satisfaction and happy life. Go and ask a farmer who lost his crops due to drought or flood or diesease, he would say how happy it will be to get a handsome salary every month sitting in airconditioned rooms with all the comforts. He cannot see our problems and we often ignore seeing their problems.

In agri making money is not easy and many farmers do not see as the only aspect of agriculture. they see agriculture as a way of life. For any one new, it requires hard work, a lot of hard work that many of us would not even have imagined. No farmer has survived with out seeing losses after spending blood sucking hardwork. So if your sole aim is to make money then please review your thoughts on entering agriculture.


If everyone wants to just keep earning money in IT/BT etc., if no produce is around, what will you eat with all the money??? thank your stars that at least few of us have finally realized at least!!


Hi Reedy,
Can I please have your contact details.. as I almso starting dairy farm.. I ned your adivce...
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I am intertested.. Pls provide your details

Hi Venki,

I have started with Murrah buffalo's

Hi Reddy, I am also working IT professional and planning to enter into dairyfarm .. need your guidence .. can I have your contact details.. pls contcat me at
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New Member
Nice to see this topic

Hey Everyone,

Just joined this forum due to keen interest on Agriculture and suddenly saw a topic which suits me. i.e., some one keen to get into agriculture. Good to see all those messages. I work in Bangalore (in the IT profession) from the past 12 years and yes ofcourse can lead a comfortable life doing what I do today.

But just think practically about what or how would it be in few years time. Almost all the resources are being used. It's really difficult to find water. The food prices are increasing. Most of the lands are getting converted to real estate buildings etc etc. I'm a believer that Agriculture is an evergreen industry and I surely want to get into it. My ancestors were farmers till my dad moved into bangalore to take up a job which pays him monthly. But I have some roots in agriculture and surely want to get back. The reasons for me to get back are

1. IT profession pays you better, like every other guy said, there's a lot of by product you get along with it like stress, traffic, pollution etc etc
2. Land for cultivation are decreasing, so there is not going to be a drastic improvement in production, but for sure, the consumption is not going to come down anytime soon, so the demand is always there.
3. I know agriculture is not easy and is risky, but everything else also is.
4. People have been constantly making me aware of labour problems, but there are many people who are growing, they should be having problems as well, right, but they still manage it. Why can't I do the same?
5. I'm not planning to start with a big-bang approach. I want to start small, as a hobby and 1 acre seems more than enough for me. I would want to start slow and let's see how things go. As I said, I'm not really worried about the failure, for sure I'll learn something.
6. I believe in the hindi saying "Khana, kapda & Makhaan", i.e., you need just food, clothes and Shelter(house) to make a living. I think I can do it more comfortably in agriculture than working in the IT profession. Though I might be earning good per month, I still have those EMI's to pay and that's always there at the back of your mind.
As an example, in one discussion I had with one of the farmer, he said, if I put effort for growing paddy for 3 months (in an acre), I think I need not bother about food for my family for the next 1 or 2 years. Doesn't that offer food security? With IT industry, I don't think I can get that security though.
7. I also think it's my social responsibility to share somethings with the fellow farmers and the rural villagers. Most of them are taken for a ride and some still employ old age techniques etc etc. If I'm able to offer some help and be able to contribute to the society, I'll atleast have some good feeling and I'll have a sense of satisfaction.

So, in essence, I would slowly dive into it and will definitely share my experience. I did start off 9 months ago in Terrace gardening and I've really good experience. I was able to grow good amount of vegetables on my terrace and was really really happy looking at the yield. I know it's not going to be easy on the farm but I definitely want to give it a try.

Thanks for people who set up the forum as well, where something like agriculture, farming etc can be discussed.



New Member

It is not only IT professionals who seek Agriculture as an opportunity but die hard professionals with IIT/IIM and CA background who make over 4-5 million a year.

Anyone who wants to pursue agriculture seriously first will have to have a passion for it. It requires tremendous amount of patience, perseverence and hard work to make things happen. Guys, you are used to project management in IT. You are aware how you find it difficult to hand educated subordinates in trying to understand a process before they step into coding. The mindset of the farm hands are a lot different. The dynamics are different.

You will have to spend precious time in seeing how thing work at various farms. Look at and process followed, the practices followed and look beyond the normal process to refine some of the practices. That is where the challenge is.

You should be willing to experiement with various formats. Agri management has essentially the following components:
1. Soil preparation
2. Soil management
3. Crop selection
4. Seed selection
5. Crop planting and management
6. Pest control
7. Water management
8. Fertiliser appplication
9. Weed management
11. Marketing.

In all the above, there are inefficiencies. You will have to choose techniques which suit the local farm hands to adapt themselves.

The process is typical of any project management techniques. Only thing in agriculture is that you are at the mercy of nature.

Mechanisation is possible if the holdings are large. Water management techniques can be best implemented in large holdings.

Thumb rule today is that you can make around say 25-30K net in an acre if you have water. Some long term plants lime the casurina give a return of about 75-80K in 30 months with just the initial 6 months of effort. It is not very water intensive to cultivate it.

My own experience shows that if you give your best, you get the best. Just to conclude, we are half a dozen professionals who do farming along side our profession/job. It is just that we incorporate effective management practices built over the years.

End of the day, you sweat it out to get the best out of agriculture. Guys living for large part of your time in Airconditioned atmosphere, you will have no choice than to shed some sweat if you want it to make it big in agri.

There is tremendous opportunity available in the long run. Nothing succeeds like food business. You will have to feed the business with your produce. That is where the magic is.
Hey Sands,

Wonderfully said. Can't ask for more.



IT to Agriculture

Firstly, folks from IT are moving to Agriculture for few reasons
1. Enough is enough in IT, lets try non-IT
2. Where do I invest my money now (other than IT)
3. Agriculture is considered easy business as a start-up, get land, get farmers, grow, sell and earn some money.
4. Passion
5. Others, just for the heck of it...

Stress is there in all professions, it also depends on people. There will be less stress for IT folks in agriculture since there is sound financial support due to IT earnings. Also, livelihood of IT folks is not dependent on Agriculture.

Last but not least, yes planning is required, no 2nd thoughts on that. But also the right know-how for any business is mandatory.

Thanks & Regards


New Member
Hello members,
I joined this forum/community today to get help on my new project - Reviving my family's farm in Goa. We have been growing rice on it when I was in school and that is 2 decades back. Since then the land is barren though it has irrigation and other facilities. Now that I am taking a 6 months sabbatical to step aside from the corporate rat race from June this year, I want to restore my memories as a child. I will grow paddy field in it and fullfil my 85+ year old grandmother's last wish. Btw, I am a banking/finance professional working in senior management role with a multinational outside India and novice & passionate farmer. Hoping to get your support in knowing the processes, methods and technology to be employed for this project. I want a 100% of me in it. Thanks.
