So near So Far from Water



New Member
Dear Friends,
I came across one farmer who had been striving to irrigate his farm land for the crops. But he had one difficulty of not able to fetch water from the nearby river due to no electricity supply in the village.
There are many farmers who are facing the same issue since many many years.

What can be done for these farmers?

Green Regards
Jignesh Parmar


Dear Sir,

You have not mentioned which area the farmer belongs to.We are under the impression all the villages are electrified but they do not get required hours of supply.Please let me know the place - village , district and state.
We may take up this with appropriate bodies.

You may mail to my email id.


Dear Friends,
I came across one farmer who had been striving to irrigate his farm land for the crops. But he had one difficulty of not able to fetch water from the nearby river due to no electricity supply in the village.
There are many farmers who are facing the same issue since many many years.

What can be done for these farmers?

Green Regards
Jignesh Parmar

could you give us proper address of that village. ?

market study report

I would only be too happy to help our fellow farmers if you can give me an idea of the location, topography and distance from the river.
Thank you,
