Small Dairy Farm



New Member
Hi Everyone,

I am new in this forum, I really need some help from you guys.
I am planning to start a dairy farm in manipur with 20 cows which I already have but I have lots of problem due to non-availability of electricity. I have around 5 to 6 acres of land with abundant grass and water for feeding the cows.

My market target is a district which is 4 hours from the farm. And also, I wanted to rent a shop out there where I can store the milk and sell it to customers.
But the problem is how to preserve the milk as the district has only 5 hours of electricity in a day.

So, what I am thinking is to buy an ice cube machine which can give atleast 25 or 30 kg of ice and make airtight box of my own where I can store the ice and the milk before it is delivered to customers. I have 4 big solar plate and will also be buying a generator to run the ice cube machine. I also wanted to packed the milk in a plastic bag (1/2 litre) but I guess for this I need a certification if I am not wrong. (Please tell me about the plastic packing, If I simply packed the milk in a white 1/2 litre plastic bag with no print, do I still need to get a ceritification)

Please let me know the estimated price of the following:

1. Milking Machine (can be operated without electricity, small one)
2. Pasteurize Machine (Small one 100 to 300 litre)
3. Ice Maker Machine (25 to 30 kg per hour)

Quantity of milk produce in a day will be around 70 to 100 litre at the start.
The demand for milk at our place are so high that the farmer can't meet the demand and so most of the families gets 1/2 litre only once in a week and people are dependent on milk powder.

Please, I really need your suggestion if I can store the milk with the help of ice cube machine. And also what will be the total cost of starting the farm.

Thanks alot
S Vashum


Established Member
Dear S Vashum
This is what expected from a prudent beginner of a Dairy.
Good home work.

Though you are new in this forum, you really done some research of your taste, further more is also required.

For 20 cows green fodder combined crops in 5 acres will be sufficient.
Solar energy is the ohter alternated for power problem.

District which is 4 hours from the farm by what van, cycle or bus?
Marketing set up is another strategy.
Best option is distribute it as soon as possible without keeping much time with you. Check some traditional practice are their for preservation.

Is it possible for you to get land some where near to market place and instantly you can sell the milk without preservation.

Your packaged milk packets should comply with the requisite standards and signs.
1. Milking Machine (Manual Operated may cost more or less about 25000/-)
2. Pasteurize Machine may not come for 100 to 300 liter size.
3. Ice Maker Machine (25 to 30 kg per hour) Need to check locally.

Pls call me back for more.


Active Member
Hi Everyone,

I am new in this forum, I really need some help from you guys.
I am planning to start a dairy farm in manipur with 20 cows which I already have but I have lots of problem due to non-availability of electricity. I have around 5 to 6 acres of land with abundant grass and water for feeding the cows.

My market target is a district which is 4 hours from the farm. And also, I wanted to rent a shop out there where I can store the milk and sell it to customers.
But the problem is how to preserve the milk as the district has only 5 hours of electricity in a day.

So, what I am thinking is to buy an ice cube machine which can give atleast 25 or 30 kg of ice and make airtight box of my own where I can store the ice and the milk before it is delivered to customers. I have 4 big solar plate and will also be buying a generator to run the ice cube machine. I also wanted to packed the milk in a plastic bag (1/2 litre) but I guess for this I need a certification if I am not wrong. (Please tell me about the plastic packing, If I simply packed the milk in a white 1/2 litre plastic bag with no print, do I still need to get a ceritification)

Please let me know the estimated price of the following:

1. Milking Machine (can be operated without electricity, small one)
2. Pasteurize Machine (Small one 100 to 300 litre)
3. Ice Maker Machine (25 to 30 kg per hour)

Quantity of milk produce in a day will be around 70 to 100 litre at the start.
The demand for milk at our place are so high that the farmer can't meet the demand and so most of the families gets 1/2 litre only once in a week and people are dependent on milk powder.

Please, I really need your suggestion if I can store the milk with the help of ice cube machine. And also what will be the total cost of starting the farm.

Thanks alot
S Vashum
Please don’t get carried away seeing replies to your posting.

1. Milking to be done with machines only but it must be machines fitted with
2. Pasteurizing machines are too costly and for Pasteurization you need hot and cold water support. Devices for that are too costly.
3. Try to sell milk as soon as it is milked is the only way.
4. Better to transport milk in Thermocole boxes ( if possible filled with ice cubes)


Well-Known Member

The pastuerising machines are very expensive and best way to avoid spoilage is selling the milk sooner. 4hrs travel by which mode of transport??

Please contact the nearest NDRI for further info on milk preservation.



New Member
Thank you so much guys for your valuable suggestion.

I don't have a land which is nearby to the district, but have a house out there which is around 3000sq/ft. As far as transportation is concern, I have a Mahindra Marshal (Taxi) which runs from the farm village to the district everyday except sunday. So, I will be packing the milk in a styrofoam made box which will keep the ice longer than other boxes. I am also planning to rent a shop out there for storing the milk where customers can come and buy directly if they want (electricity 4 to 5 hours in a day in district). Market strategies: Advertise in newspaper for about a week, big poster every 50 meters and contact school hostels (around 25 to 30), Army camps( more than three), Hotels and restuarant.This all mentioned customer use milk powder due to inavailibility of fresh milk.Projected advertising cost is Rs 50,000.

As per my plan I will need to buy the following:

1.Ice cube machine
2.I have a generator but it run in petrol so will be buying DG,
3.Milking machine small one,
4.Big Battery to store energy from solar.
5.Chaff cutter (optional)
6.Biogas (after 8 to 12 months)

Now, my doubts and question:

1.How long milk can be kept in a box with ice without spoiling (without opening can it be 4 degree cel. for 2 days max).
2.what if I packed the milk in plastic pouch 1/2 litre and keep in ice box for distribution, will the temp makes difference in milk can and plastic pouch, as I wanted to pack the milk in plastic pouch with just a name printed on it as it looks more attractive and convenient.
3.Which fodder is best for dairy, I came accross Napier CO3 which can be harvest every 45 days. Where can I can get this seeds for sowing.

Dear everyone, I know time is precious for everyone but your kind suggestion will help me to a big extend. I am just a graduate working in Tech Mahindra, bank aspirant but does not want to be always away from family back home.So, I had plan for this, as getting a job in manipur is like chasing a dream. Please help me guys.

Thanks alot.
S Vashum


New Member
Dear Friend,

It is difficult to keep the raw milk for long period, whereas if you boil the same, it can be kept for 12 hours without the facility of freezing etc. So, think of boiling and cooling the milk and you will be rewarded with cream, which you take out to make Ghee out of it. the cold milk is now ready for transportation of around 4 to 6 hours to the nearest city.



First of all i need to appritiate you for such a hard work you have done.

i would like to answer your question regarding the grass.

CO3 was now an out dated grass version. Now you can CO4 an updated vesrion of CO3. The difference is the stem of CO4 is much thinner than CO3 hence it help in quicker grazing.

And also for 10 cows 1 and a Half acres is required for co4 planting, so u plan accordingly. If there is a possibility of gettig corn silage means u can can store it. It is a gud good source of energy to your cows.

Feed your cows with an average of 20 to30 kg's of grass every day. It includes green fooder, dry fooder and concentrate feeds.

I hope u have an idea about concentrate feed.if use the below said preportion.

For 100 kg concentrate formulation:-

Ingradients Proportion
1. Barly/Chuni 30%
2. Crushed Maize/Jowar/Bajara 35%
3. a) Sunflower cake (7%) + b)Cotton seed cake (20%) + c) Groundnut cake (8%) 35%
4. Common Salt 1 kg
5. Chelated mineral mixture(Agrimin forte/Bestamin gold /any suitable mineral mixture consulting to local expert veterinarian) 1 kg
6. Shell grit 1 kg
For milking buffaloes, you may give 500 gms of formulated concentrate per 1 litre of milk in buffaloes & for cows 350 gms per litre of milk..Also it is better to add 20 gms of probiotics powder per animal to increase milk production & fat % age in buffaloes.Green fodder requirement for cow and buffalo is 10% of its body weight eg.400 kgs buffalo or cow requires 40kg of green fodder(in which 30 kgs of cereals as Hybrid napier/maize/jowar and 10 kgs of pulses like Lucerne/cowpea or Stlyosanthes).Dry fodder requirement is 5-6 kg per day.

And also while milking the cows give them dry fooders, it is more recomended.

If u are possible of getting Sugar molases, kindly get it and make it available for your cows. Reason behind feed it is, sugar will increase the microbial protein production, Microbian protein is a high quality bypass protein and it is an excellent source of amino acid which is much required for milk production And also it will increase the feed intake of cow.

Hope i have clarified your doubt on feed's. i am also new in farming, i have gathered all such info in net as well as in practical. kindly feel free to query your doubts to me.
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