Advertising Set up fruit beer, wheat beer, rice beer, etc plants



Dear All,

If anybody is interested in making beer from fruits, wheat, rice,etc and wants the technology for the same, I can do that at a very low cost. What I am offering is complete consultancy services that helps you set up a beer factory, help in sales and marketing, supply chain management, brand management, etc.

I want to be very clear here that you are not looking at investments that goes into crores the investment would be much less that that. It would be a factory that would be able to cater to the needs of a city/town or even a small region. Bigger plants if required can be made too. The returns on investment would be in one/one and half year.

The consultancy can be provided for both alcoholic as well non-alcoholic beer/fruit beer.

The firm that provides consultancy is having on its panel people who have been in beer and soft drinks industry for more than 35 years. We also have Technologists from UK and Europe. But that does not mean that the consultancy services would be costly. In fact this is what makes it cheaper.

If interested please revert.

Thanks and regards


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Required permissions

Hi Peter,

The major statutory requirements are following.

1. Excise license from the state excise department
2. No objection certificate from Pollution control Board of the state.
3. Exploitation license, permissions and clearances from various state organisations like: state electricity board, regional labour office, Boiler inspector, muncipal office (if the brewery falls in the jurisdiction of a city MC), gram panchayat (if it falls in a Village), etc.

All these license could be acquired in approx. 2 to 3 months time depending upon the state where the plant will be situated.



yes, i am interested

I am interested to start it in Andhra, Kadapa dist.
can You please give me full details.

Need your e-mail ID for sending the details

Hi Vipvisu,

Please send your e-mail ID for sending the details.



hi i would like to know how much it may cost for entire project at small scale level. and what about maketing for the finished product.
would it be proper to set up in a remotr village in mihinpurwa, in gonda district
and howr to obtain licence for the purpose.


Dear All,

If anybody is interested in making beer from fruits, wheat, rice,etc and wants the technology for the same, I can do that at a very low cost. What I am offering is complete consultancy services that helps you set up a beer factory, help in sales and marketing, supply chain management, brand management, etc.

I want to be very clear here that you are not looking at investments that goes into crores the investment would be much less that that. It would be a factory that would be able to cater to the needs of a city/town or even a small region. Bigger plants if required can be made too. The returns on investment would be in one/one and half year.

The consultancy can be provided for both alcoholic as well non-alcoholic beer/fruit beer.

The firm that provides consultancy is having on its panel people who have been in beer and soft drinks industry for more than 35 years. We also have Technologists from UK and Europe. But that does not mean that the consultancy services would be costly. In fact this is what makes it cheaper.

If interested please revert.

Thanks and regards


Please contact...

i would like to set up one in Andhra Pradesh,can you please send me the sample project report and licensing details along with your consulting chanrges to

Pl send me some basic techno details to my e-mail. Is this beer a beer from malt or malt production also included? what about hops? beer from fruits is new and need your info.
Please contact...
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beer plant

Please inform me area of land required and other input costs including fixed assets and working capital. You can call me. Look forward to your prompt reply.
please contact...
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Need the details


could you please send the all the details of the permissions and raw meterial required, busines plan and your consultency charges etc.. i am from Andhrapradesh.


Dear All,

If anybody is interested in making beer from fruits, wheat, rice,etc and wants the technology for the same, I can do that at a very low cost. What I am offering is complete consultancy services that helps you set up a beer factory, help in sales and marketing, supply chain management, brand management, etc.

I want to be very clear here that you are not looking at investments that goes into crores the investment would be much less that that. It would be a factory that would be able to cater to the needs of a city/town or even a small region. Bigger plants if required can be made too. The returns on investment would be in one/one and half year.

The consultancy can be provided for both alcoholic as well non-alcoholic beer/fruit beer.

The firm that provides consultancy is having on its panel people who have been in beer and soft drinks industry for more than 35 years. We also have Technologists from UK and Europe. But that does not mean that the consultancy services would be costly. In fact this is what makes it cheaper.

If interested please revert.

Thanks and regards


Please contact...
yes i m intrested pls tel ur adres ,i m kunal fom maharast

I sent a reply to your above info. May be you didn't recive. I am interested in such projects. We all know that in Europe & US there are small commercial breweries successfully producing exceptional beers for therir own customers. So this could be a lovely business for people aiming at such markets. Hence I would be thankful to receive basic info on such project. I need to know the min productivity and investments for the same. Pl contact me....
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Fruit beer unit

Dear Sir,
I want to know about the budget needed for establishment (in Uttarakhand) of a small scale fruit beer plant (alcoholic and nonalcoholic) and its marketing.
