Set up a agri business of growing & processing exotic vegetables in UP near NCR

Hello friend,

We are based in Mumbai, but we deliver plant nutrients and greenhouse services all over India, SE Asia and the Middle east. So even if you're in Delhi, we can fulfill your requirement. Kindly contact on my e-mail address with your detailed query or requirement at


Dear Friends,
I am planning for organic vegetables farming under greenhouse hydroponics method, but I am very new to this method of farming. Can anyone give me or send me more details including cost of establishment of hydroponics greenhouse. Has anyone tried in Coimbatore or Tamilnadu state ? I would appreciate your kind response.

I am based in Delhi.You may call me if you are interetsed in Hydroponic farming.

Dr Vidur Sahgal
Dear Dr Vidur Sahgal ,

Please share the information on setting up the organic vegetable farm using hydroponics at this thread. First, please explain to our readers what exactly is hydroponics and how it can be used for cultivating the vegetable in organic way.

Shweta - Editorial Team

Organic cultivation Hydroponically

Hydroponic cultivation need the chemical nutrient management, How can some one grow Organic vegetable Hydroponically. it also need the chemical for insect pest management and nutrient management.

Organic hydroponic farming


Let me give you some insight about hydroponic farming. Many people think of hydroponics as growing plants in water, but hydroponic cultivation is basically growing plants without soil. In soil farming, soil just acts as a holding medium for the plants and plants literally have to struggle looking for nutrients in the soil. This factor is eliminated in hydroponic farming and nutrients are directly supplied to the plant roots.
In hydroponic farming, plants may be grown with their roots in the mineral nutrient solution only or in an inert medium such as Perlite, gravel, mineral wool, expanded clay or coconut husk.
Hydro : Water
Ponics : Labour
Plant Genome Sciences encourages farmers to take up smarter way of cultivation i.e. hydroponic greenhouse cultivation, a method of soilless cultivation in a protected environment, which significantly increases crop yield compared to open-air cultivation. PGS can assist you in setting up coco peat/trough cultivation with drip irrigation system and Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) set up, both of them are popular hydroponic farming methods, which give healthy and abundant yield.

In trough/grow bag cultivation, plants are grown in coco peat bags or troughs containing coco peat and plants are irrigated using drip irrigation.

NFT is a hydroponic growing method in which the plants have their roots partly submerged in a shallow stream of recirculating water containing all the required growth nutrients and where there is no solid rooting medium.
The upper surface of the root mat, which develops above the water, although it is moist, is in the air. Therefore, around the roots, which are in the air, there is a film of nutrient solution - hence the name—nutrient film technique (NFT).

The environment in a hydroponics greenhouse is controlled for maximum efficiency, and this new mindset is called soil-less/controlled-environment agriculture (CEA). With this growers can make premium foods anywhere in the world, regardless of temperature and growing seasons. Growers monitor the temperature, humidity, and pH level constantly.

• No soil is needed.
• The water stays in the system and can be reused - lower water consumption.
• It is possible to control the nutrition levels.
• Stable, higher yields & shorter times between harvests.
• Produces highly nutritious, attractive crops.
• Less pest & disease attack, easier to get rid of than in soil.
• Easier to harvest & source of income from direct sales.

Organic Hydroponic Farming

When organic growers think of hydroponics, they mostly assume that organic principles and organic growing are very incompatible. Hydroponic growers even have several different kinds of organic nutrients and fertilizers available. Organic hydroponics uses the solution containing extracts from various natural and organic sources like seaweed, bat guano, earthworm castings, beneficial bacteria and fungi. In organic hydroponics, this liquid extract is filtered and added in the solution. Beneficial microorganisms degrade organic fertilizer into inorganic nutrients. These blends can very potent; as they give your plants several different kinds of organic nutrients that can help them grow significantly. Since, soil factor is eliminated and it is a controlled environment, pest factor is greatly reduced/eliminated. Natural pesticides like neem oil sprays can be used to control pest, if it occurs. Some are even specially formulated to improve a specific aspect of your plant's development, such as those that can improve the taste and size of your yield.

Hope this information would prove useful to all our growing community members. For more information, please write to me or call me. Me and my team would be glad to assist you in your growing venture.


Plant Genome Sciences Pvt. Ltd.
310, 3rd floor, Ascot Centre,
Next to Hotel Hilton, Sahar Road,
Andheri (E)
For more information, please visit
For inquiries, please write to

OK go ahead...


could you clarify about exact location.because we know the people are engaged already in exotic cultivation , organic food production and culinary herbs.
we are providing our services and having data for all 820 block of Uttar Pradesh regarding soil health status,crop sustainability agro climate, pest infestation level and precautionary measures etc.

you may reach by at

CRACICA-Farming Systems (P) Limited,


Why don't you consider Israeli Hydroponic Agriculture & Aquaculture.Please send me your email address and I will send you a presentation on Hydroponic farming.By the way, this kind of farming is soilless and the agros are grown using water only in a filtered Green House where ideal growing conditions are maintained.

More in the presentation.
with regards and respect

Dr Vidur Sahgal
Dear Dr. Vidhur Sahgal,

Pl send the details of Israeli Hydroponic Agriculture & Aquaculture.

Thanking you,

R. Krishnan

Dear Shweta,

NCR is very big market you can go for the unprotected cultivation of the seasonal vegetables also. That will also beneficial for you. The availability of the water is quite good around Delhi. Dairy is also good business.

If you want to go for the green house then you can go for the glass house. I have link with some manufacturer Holland who are expert in the greenhouse. They can assist you in fully automatic computer based control and cultivation.

General information you can get from the internet if you want any specific information. We will provide you that information. if you want to go for cultivation we will assist you in hydroponic cultivation.

Dear Dr. Vidur Sahagal,

To begin with cultivation of fruits and vegetables using Israel Hydroponic how much is the minimum area required? Please share the details?


Even in Japan you can grow hydroponically at your Kitchen..... One can easily cultivate the crop in their Kitchen. The production time will also 30-40 % of open cultivation. you drawing room is sufficient for the Hydroponic. cultivation. complete cultivation kits are available.

Dear Dr. Vidur Sahagal,

To begin with cultivation of fruits and vegetables using Israel Hydroponic how much is the minimum area required? Please share the details?

Hydroponics can be done in 3 ways –

1. progressive farmers can adopt in commercial farming
2. people can adopt as hobby
3. can be maximum fruitful for urban farming in metros

For a viable commercial unit you need 1000 sq. feet and investment of around 3 lac
Earning expected is around 1lac per year.

Unfortunately, in India people who knows about Hydroponic want to collect money by seminars no one is serious interested to spread it to masses.

As told by -
Gaurav Garg,
Saanvi Organics

For hydroponic cultivation, area is not an issue for the grower. It can be done in any available area. For your hobby, you can choose your balcony, porch, windowsill, almost any place to keep your hydroponic systems/grow pots. It depends what do you want to grow and in what number. Every plant has its own prerequisites that must be met for optimum growth.

For commercially viable hydroponic cultivation of fruits and vegetables, minimum 1 to 2 acres of area is needed. At Plant Genome Sciences, we understand the farmers’ dilemma of adopting this new farming method on a large scale; therefore, we undertake projects that can spare minimum area of 2000 sq. m. for hydroponic greenhouse cultivation.

Plant Genome Sciences Pvt. Ltd.
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You can do the hydroponic cultivation at your home. Basic concept of hydroponic is you don't require the soil and you do the land use in multi fold. For a mix land use Hydroponic is only alternet. One can do it in the balcony. One can go for the hydroponic at residential complex root. The quality of produce is also superior
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Dear Readers,

As hydroponics is soil-free mode of farming then how do the plants store the nutrients and moisture in it which is must for the growth?


These are directly absorbed by the roots, because the nutrients are mixed in the water... in hydroponic the roots are always dipped in the water and in the Aeroponic the roots are hanging and the the water is sprayed time to time.
