Seeking a DPR for Agro-based Project


I am new to agriculture farming. Looking for professionals who can prepare bankable detailed project & feasibility report to get subsidies/grants from Govt of India/AP. I would appreciate, if you provide consultancy for getting loans, subsidies and implementation of project on turn-key babsis.

Kindly PM me asap.


project consultancy

Dear Ram,
We are a team of consultants who can offer end to end solutions and turnkey solutions for agro based projects with domestic and export market support. Support till success is assured. Project size should be atleast 10 crores. For further details contact.

anil patil


I am new to agriculture farming. Looking for professionals who can prepare bankable detailed project & feasibility report to get subsidies/grants from Govt of India/AP. I would appreciate, if you provide consultancy for getting loans, subsidies and implementation of project on turn-key babsis.

Kindly PM me asap.


We are pioneer industrial consultant working over 28 years in preparation of report

Engineers India Research Institute (EIRI) is a pioneer industrial consultant working over 28 years in preparation of Project Reports,Market Survey cum Detailed Techno Economic Feasibility Reports, Market Survey Reports and Practical Project Execution. Apart from these, EIRI is also known for Industrial Process Technology Books and Trade Directories with Liasioning Services.

EIRI services are:

1. Detailed Feasibility Reports
2. New Project Identification
3. Project Feasibility and Market Study
4. Identification of Lucrative Industrial Project Opportunities
5. Preparation of Project Profiles / Pre-Investment and Detailed Feasibility Studies,
6. Market Surveys / Studies, Market Survey Cum Detailed Techno-Economic Feasibility Reports
7. Project Reports in CD Roms
8. Identification of Plant /Process/Machinery and Equipment, Industrial General Guidance for setting up new industrial projects.

Kindly provide your contact number so that we can provide more details on the same.

Ask for the free copy of Hi-Tech Projects, Monthly Magazine on New Project Opportunities and Industrial Technologies. Just e-mail us to send a free copy.

Services Offered
We offer a wide assortment of services to our clients which range from consultancy to project reports and from market study to feasibility reports for our clients. Our comprehensive range of services comprises of Industrial Consultancy, rubber industry projects, IT industry projects, Project Management Consultancy, Hi - Tech Projects Industrial Reports, Detailed Feasibility Reports, New Project Identification, Project Feasibility and Market Study, Lucrative Industrial Project, Preparation of Project Profiles, Market Surveys / Studies, Techno-Economic Feasibility Reports, Project Reports in CD Roms and Identification of Plant /Process/Machinery.

Some of the salient features of our services offered includes the following:

* Reliable
* Timely Executable
* Accuracy in Information
* Client Friendly

Recipient of Udyog Rattan Award : EIRI has been awarded with the Udyog Rattan Award in 1996 for the excellence job served to the nation.

project reports.


I am new to agriculture farming. Looking for professionals who can prepare bankable detailed project & feasibility report to get subsidies/grants from Govt of India/AP. I would appreciate, if you provide consultancy for getting loans, subsidies and implementation of project on turn-key babsis.

Kindly PM me asap.


I am kumaresan from Tamilnadu,a horticulture consultant doing Bankable project reports, Availing Govt.subsidies,doing consultancy business on turnkey projects and sourcing cheaper lands in south Tamilnadu for for further.
Please contact...
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DPR for Agro based project

We are a leading consultancy company focused on Agribusiness and Processed Food. The promotors have more than 30 years experience in this line and have prepared more than 70 DPRs. Please let us know what type of project you have in mind.

Rohit Bhandari
Competent AgriSolutions Pvt. Ltd.
18-Devkutir Bunglows-1, Ambli, Ahmedabad - 380 058.
Mob. : +91-97245 01953
Land Line : +91-2717-230114
Web :
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