Salacia - Ekanayaka (saptharangi)



Senior Member
We promote the cultivation of Salacia species (Ekanayakam, Ponkorandi, Swarna moola, Saptharangi).
This plant is a woody climber available in the interior hilly forests as well as in the coastal forests. There are three species available, all are recommended for cultivation, It is a perennial , we can grow it as an intercrop or border crop along irrigation canals and hedges. The seasonal revenue is expected from it after 3 years. The part used is stem and root. More than a lakh can be obtained from one acre land from this crop. It is used to cure diabetes. There is regular demand for this plant. planting material will be available from forest nurseries and some private nurseries in Karnataka, Kerala. We can arrange for the planting material. National Medicinal plant board also giving subsidy of 50% to the nursery developers. Intersted growers, enterpreuners kindly send private message. Buy back arrangement also available for it
Thanking You


New Member
we promote the cultivation of salacia species (ekanayakam, ponkorandi, swarna moola, saptharangi).
this plant is a woody climber available in the interior hilly forests as well as in the coastal forests. There are three species available, all are recommended for cultivation, it is a perennial , we can grow it as an intercrop or border crop along irrigation canals and hedges. The seasonal revenue is expected from it after 3 years. The part used is stem and root. More than a lakh can be obtained from one acre land from this crop. It is used to cure diabetes. There is regular demand for this plant. Planting material will be available from forest nurseries and some private nurseries in karnataka, kerala. We can arrange for the planting material. National medicinal plant board also giving subsidy of 50% to the nursery developers. Intersted growers, enterpreuners kindly send private message. Buy back arrangement also available for it
thanking you
please send details of availability to my mail id
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Active Member

pls give me salacia details my email

We promote the cultivation of Salacia species (Ekanayakam, Ponkorandi, Swarna moola, Saptharangi).
This plant is a woody climber available in the interior hilly forests as well as in the coastal forests. There are three species available, all are recommended for cultivation, It is a perennial , we can grow it as an intercrop or border crop along irrigation canals and hedges. The seasonal revenue is expected from it after 3 years. The part used is stem and root. More than a lakh can be obtained from one acre land from this crop. It is used to cure diabetes. There is regular demand for this plant. planting material will be available from forest nurseries and some private nurseries in Karnataka, Kerala. We can arrange for the planting material. National Medicinal plant board also giving subsidy of 50% to the nursery developers. Intersted growers, enterpreuners kindly send private message. Buy back arrangement also available for it
Thanking You
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