Sacrifice Vs Proximity in Biodiesel business



Well-Known Member


Read this article.
This article clearly shows how this Govt is sincere towards science and technology.
The CM and his ministers are quite accessable to Mutts and religious parades but not at a award ceremony of state function.

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Well-Known Member


One of a big auto dealerr in the state and a well qualfied engineer approached me and promised me to promote Biodiesel in davangere, chitra durga and Haveri districts.

He never been sincere in terms of extending any support except a quote " Before the industry kill you better you kill that" this is what he said.

He is very clever in making me a fool and its a wonderful experience when I dumped a dead investment of few lakhs hoping that being a genuine three wheeler and Tractor dealer he could support the sale of biodiesel.

This type of experiences should never be forgotten while looking at the future of this industry.

Infact, a press reporter titled as "Jaiveeka Dieselige Jeeva theidavaru" after inter acting with me in the year 2010.(Prajavani)

To continue.....


Well-Known Member


Every year no of Engg students through out the country do meet me and seek my help to provide them the supportive role to do their project.

Most of them are so ignorant that they choose biodiesel based on mohua oil, cottonseed oil and even Mustard oil.

The HODs and their Professors certainly misguide those youngsters and this year I have decided to seek wrtten letters from the colleges instead of entertaining the students directly..

I also put it on record that the State Biofuel board must take serious steps to see that those
students who aspire or pursue in Biodiesel be provided due assistance.Otherwise I will expose more aggressively in this matter.

I do not want to embarass those colleges by naming here and warn the state biofuel board to be honest in their work instead of simply spending publice money in the name of Biodiesel

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Well-Known Member


I want to keep this thread going in a big way not only to expose some facts and figures in this business but also plan to title a fine book containing most of my atrticles published in this website so that plenty of people shall make use of it.

I request honourable members to support me and humbly appeal to some members not to disturb this with counter posters time and again.

I continue to be here since several years only to contribute something to the nation and indeed my debate is just began and there are lot of posters to come with more facts and figures.

I am sure the readers shall benefit at large.



Well-Known Member


The first and foremost problem I faced was while installing a dispensing unit in front of my factory.

The Asst director of weights and measures suggested me to go for a petrol pump like system while I went for a Oval type mechanical flow meter duly caliberated and certified in Tamilnadu.I have a genuine document for this purchase from Toshniwal group who are pioneers in this system.

I invested around two lakhs just to impress the tractor owners and fixed equipments like Hitachi and JCB and Gensets users to make use of this dispensing method.

The chairman of the state biofuel board threatened me with actions if I did not remove this system as if he is a power center to do all these things.

I openly challenged the chairman and his hired staffs who very often misused the district admin to disturb my dispensing unit.

I spent my hard earned money only to ensure the public that there could be more such biodiesel pumps in the state without wasting time.

Too many CMs Ministers, VIPs do see this system displayed in the highways proceeding to davangere from Harihar but neverthless none in the state ever supported me and its a fact that there is no appreciationn for the hard work and today my Pump stand as a dismantled skeleton.
The bloody State biofuel board instead of helping me they started harassing me and let me see how long this continnue in the state.

To continnue......
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Well-Known Member

Dear friends!

There is one Jatropha promoter in Baramati doing some excellent job.
I am associated with them sice their inception purley on honoury basis.

While the state biofuel board is very harsh against Jatropha promoters but at the same time wanted to share sommething outside the state.

The State Biofuel board is quite soft with BAIF a Tipur /Pune based NGO and something else with others.
They went to the extent of threatening such people and even instructed the DCs and the lead Banks not to fund for jatropha promotion in the state.

Neverthless this state biofuel board chairman wanted to align with that Baramati based company for his own interest why?

There are several companies in the state still play a corporate role in the name of Jatropha be its Nanadan Biomatics or Mission bio energy....
The state biofuel board have a different approach and its a well known fact how things changes once you are in the good books of Ramkrishnaji......

Take for example the inclusion of Dr. G.N.S Reddy in the board who is no more a NGO today nor have done anything worth except launching a self styled corporate today despite the fact that he was a NGO for more than 30 years in active position suddenly disappearing from NGO and we suspect how many such people are there in the team YBR???

To continnue........
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Well-Known Member

Dear friends!

Here is fact!

The Mech. engg students of PDA college of engineering in Gulbarga used to take my guidelines for their project works on Biodiesel from different feedtocks.

This year I was approached by few students to assist them for providing biodiesel made from Mohua oil, Castor oil, Neem oil and Linseed oil.

I am surprised to see how they are allowed to do a project on Castor oil and Neem oil while mohua and Linseed exceptionally alright.

I advised those youngsters to approach the Gulbarga unniveristy and its informed that the Gulbarga university wanted to make biodiesel subject to a min qty of 30 liters and a delivery period of one month.

They the University people refused to help the students by delivering Biodiesel immediately.

This is a clear indication of how the Nodal agencies and sponsored institutions simply enjoy some staus but no real activity anything that could support students of future.

I wish many read this message and understand how best people like me can continnue to support researchers to hang on in this subject in future....Is the state biofuel board will act and we wish that happen.

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Well-Known Member

Dear friends!

There is a Mumbai based company headed by Mr.Dilip Joshi who wanted to take serious steps to bring in all small businessmen in one cartel under him way back in 2008.

He was in contact with us for two good years using the name Biodiesel and even wanted to take over our production unit way back in 2009.

He also sent us a draft MoU offering us some monetory support hopefully for the hard work what we have been trying to do in this subject.

He told us that he shall influence big Oil marketting companies to sell Biodiesel but all such things were like a drama which harmed our reputation and that gemtleman knows pretty well what are the efforts we took for keeping things alive.

Many such people like Dilip Joshi mostly software engineers came and gone without any honest committment like this to this industry.
Based on some agreements or MoUs one can not survive in this Biodiesel business.

I am still worried about those people who simply make few attempts and put people like me in trouble in this industry.

The name of the above Mumbai based company is GREEN SOURCE PRIVATE LIMITED.
My intention to write this article is to only caution people not to get tempted and lose money.

To continue....
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Well-Known Member

Dear friends!

I was asked to be a part of a society formed by elders in Ranebennur of Haveri district.
Indeed, the Chairman of the then task force and present Biofuel board was a chief guest when the society was formally inuagurated in 2010.

The task force chairman was accompanied by the District conservator of forests and a Range officer namely Natraj Desai and I was also a participant as a humble member.

While the Chairman and the DFO promised to involve the society in biofuel developmental activities, nothing happened in that society and literally I severed my relationship without facing any humillaitions.

I am sure that those elders are well known citizens for their Khadi activities and this helpless and hopeless State Biofuel board have simply ignored for the only reason to accomodate someone else as their benefitaries in all of their programmes in the name of Biofuel in Haveri district.

The name of the society is Haveri district biofuel seeds growers association.
Earlier it was named as Jatropha growers association of haveri and was forced to omitt the name Jatropha by the Biofuel board for their known raeson.

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Well-Known Member

Dear friends!

There is one engg college owned by none other than the honourable Member of parliament represnting Davangere Mr.G.M Siddeshwar in Bathi near Davangere.

This college do have lot of engg branches and the mechanical one in particular.
The students opting to do project on biodiesel have to run here and there and I did help for some years to some batches and stopped entertaining any further students in protest towards the attitude of the MP for not supporting in any form inspite of so generous in spending public money for several religious and political outfits in the district.

This MP is busy in his arecanut and Gutka(SUPER) business and his MPLOAD funds are diverted at will for constructing parks, bus stands, and so on.....

I am not in the good books of that MP who has time for everything except to stay away from greenery subject atleast in college.......

While MLAs and MPs are spending money for their party memebers but never been sympathetic to people like me.

Needless to say how our MPs are active in the state except to arrange MLAs in support of their leades or to provide Helipads for their swamijis and leaders in the state.

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Well-Known Member


Here is one genuine case!
One student writes to me today seeking my help to provide some qty of Jatropha oil for a Research purpose.
I always provided free of cost material to students who intend to do project on Biodiesel.
Mr. Purohit is the name of that student. This student is from Surat and the statement is very sad when I noticed that there is no Jatropha oil available in Surat nor any fellowship for this student who is very much in need of some help.
The Gujarat Govt. should come forward to help students and its very bad to read a student chasing in the internet in search of oils.
When I am located in Karnataka its difficult to send liquid samples to distant places through a courier and its my charge to that Collge which fail to support a meritorious student to comply a reasearch paper.

I appeal to good readers in Surat to assist this type of deserving people with possible helps.
I regret for having removed few lines on request from the concerned student who is not interested to be be posted here.
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Well-Known Member

Dear friends!!

Its very nice to see some demand for Biodiesel today and most of the commercial producers are selling above Rs45/liter virtually matching the price of Diesel.

I am sure most of the production of Biodiesel is based on Palm acid oil/palm stearine or tallow.

There is a little supply of Used cooking oil also from China, Middle east and US.
I have not seen any commercial unit being set up in Karnataka and Tamilnadu may be due to Methanol issue and the VAT the killer one.

Let me tell you very honestly!
The liquor boot leggers are almost in control of Methanol in this state and same is in Maharashtra also.

Its not an easy thing to bring Methanol in tankers without a secured storage tank and some technically sound system to condense the unused methanol during Trans esterification.

The moment the demand for Biodiesel starts there will be a severe attack from Methanol lobby which harms the cost effect on Biodiesel.

The state Biofuel board has no answer to this Methanol and they go on executing the tired slogan Hoonge in the state.

There is a strict licensing procedure to handle Methanol and its not in the board room of Biofuel board in Banaglore.
Its rather controlled by Prohibition and explosives department.

I reckon most of the DCs may have to attend classes in Nagpur to regulate Methanol in this state which terribley a hurdle in running a Biodiesel plant.

Only Methanol based Biodiesel exempted fom Central excise duty and the use of ethanol is ruled out in any format.

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Well-Known Member


I am coming to the interesting part now.
As a honest citizen, I started this industry and continue to keep my entity alive but at a huge expense.

What is the real issue then?
Is it the Government or the so called implementing people who are responsible for this type of failures?

I put the blame on the State Government and its so called Biofuel board for back stabbing acts and their intention to promote proxy business to make money in various ways.

I am strong enough to face this state government which broke my legs wihout offering me a chance to survive to dedicate my hard work for the people of this nation.

I do not know how to get out of the huge liability inspite of losing almost forty lakhs so far just for keeping an entity namely Biodiesel since seven good years.

Plenty of State budgets, no of announcements in each budget and all such things were deliberately shared and enjoyed by certain section of the ruling party especially the RSS lobby in the state.

I have no words to write here about the attitude of those who continue to curse and crush the industry as much as possible.

I am expecting a right oppportunity to convene a press meet and present the genuine issues for the people to decide.

The state biofuel board may not like few individuals but they are bound to answer one day for the lapses and step motherly treatment and because of which I stand victimised badly.

To continue.....
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Well-Known Member

Dear friends!

i was just away for a weak and could not share any further issues hoping that there will be some counter response from the concerned people.

I am happy that there is no denial nor any comments from the people who are mentioned here.

My main fight is with the State biofuel board who have totally failed to do anything appreciabley to benefit either the farmers or any deserving people, students who intend to do some hard works to propogate Biodiesel in the state.

Here is one more example or an incident rather.
Some students from Adi Chunchanagiri college of engieering, Belur wanted to make Biodiesel from Sura Honne seed oil a forestry tree borne crop rarely or occassionally grown in coastal area in the state for wood purpose.

when the students called me, I advised them to go to State Biofuel park located in Hassan to seek their help since they are nearer to Hassan.
The poor students as usual returned back without getting any help from the so called state biofuel board inspite of a big team monitoring this subject on behalf of the state biofuel board.

I am not blaming the Biofuel park but when someone wanted to do a project its our moral responsibility to assist such people from the state govt point of view rightly so when they pumped in crores of rupees so far.

i am not aware of this oil or seeds and just assured those students that I can sincerely help them to extract oil and make the Biodiesel if they bring in the required seeds.

Its our strongest feeling that unless the state govt come forward and support all sections in the state it will be a end for the wonderful subject Biodiesel without any doubt.

I wish there is a change in the style of functioning of the state biofuel board before I reveal more truths about their shadow boxing with tired Honge.

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Well-Known Member

Dear friends!

The chief minister of karnataka who is also the Finance minister announced in his budget a sum of fifty crores to his sangha parivar for spending in the name of biofuel this year.

The biofuel board is well balanced by both the groups of pro and against the CM and needless to say what this Biofuel board have ever done any purposeful work in biodiesel production.

We are not empowered to audit the expenses but at the same time can not keep quiet if benefits are denied to public nor any implementation lapses of the announcements.

Of course!
its not sure whether the budget will be through..... or will there be any sudden developments who knows?

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Well-Known Member

Dear friends!

Its rather shocking to note that a Govt college in Kerala seeking sample jatropha oil from Karnataka need to produce a e declaration also called TOKEN by the logistic people to book the parcel inspite of proper declarations by both the college and BIRD K.
Undoubtadely, VRL tiptur wants to exploit the innocense of a college and a reputed NGO.

I happen to arrange 50 liters of jatropha oil from Tiptur yesterday for Sree Neelakanta Govt sanskrit college located in Pattambi KERALA through (a NGO namely) BIRD K fully known to the VRL Tiptur on what to be done in the case of sending small sample parcels to kerala.They failed to respect a honest transaction and deserve our strong condemn.

The VRL Tiptur initially agreed to book the parcel but later on refused stating the mandatory e declaration process while crossing a border.The parcel is stranded here in Tiptur till today.

They the VRL shall very well adhere this procedure since this is a parcel sent and recieved by un registered genuine users
Moreover, no one knows when or who and how this parcel is carried and this is the real matter that confuse that college people to file a online declaration.
But the VRL office refused to accept stating the same reason without disclosing the carrier, driver and L/R information which really stands as a hurdle for a genuine reasearcher to draw samples from reputed source.

Its a shameful act from the part of Govts to allow the transporters to grab money in the name of rules and norms.

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Well-Known Member

Dear friends!

I happen to assist the Mech engg students final sem of PDA college of engg in Gulbarga in making a project on biodiesel based on Linseed oil and shocked to disclose here the cost of Linseed oil sold to those students by a trader in Bangalore @Rs250/liter.

The Methanol was bought at Rs300/liter may be the lab grade.
Please look into this expensive project!

Is it wanted really to spend Rs300/liter to make a liter of Biodiesel?
If the colleges in this state do not want to support Biodiesel let them do not humilliate this subject by allowing their students to go and search such oils which are no way projected as a feedstock for making Biodiesel.

i am sure the VTU will instruct all the engg colleges in the state to install a pilot plant with proper testing equipments if at all the VTU stands for a genuine alternate fuel namely Biodiesel.

I also suggest the universities in Karnataka to assist the researchers properly with all available seeds/oil acceptable in commercial value.Needless to say how the teaching communnity is thorough with this subject?

Its the duty of the state govt to scrutinise all the past expenditures before they pass on the budget allottments to the state biofuel board this year.

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Well-Known Member
Methanol storage and central excise for Biodiesel production


Many of us are under the impression that Biodiesel industry is sustainable once we have a raw material and its not so when you look into the need of an alcohol strictly Methanol for the reaction/production of Bio diesel.

Many colleges and universities are aware of this and perhaps those who made Biodiesel at lab level or pilot scale must have procured methanol here and there.

When comes to commercial procurement and its transit, stoarage or other formalities are nothing short of a explosive trade in India.

The testing facility and identification of the suppliers are somewhat a head ache and its yet another struggle to source methanol in Karnataka.


After complying all formalities the price is a issue and there is no other alternate to this devil material when we talk about Trans esterification of veg oils into ester or biodiesel.

The honourable Chairman of state biofuel board is seriously into inventing something to avoid Methanol its told.
let us wish him goodluck before he is out of his office.


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Well-Known Member

Dear friends!

Its shocking but not surprisng to anyone.
Some students of a engg. college from Bangalore needed simaroubha oil around 100liters for a project work and I suggested them to go to GKVK or the Biofuel park in hassan where its believed all oils are available 24 x7 and even asked those guys to meet Dr.YB Ramakrishna the Honourable Chairman of Biofuel board of Karnataka to assist them with the supply of oil.

The students have been told that there is no stock nor any immediate availability of this oil by the UAS and the Biofuel park.

The poor students look for the oil and even ready to pay Rs250/liter and we do not know why students are misguided on a rarely rather non availability of veg oils for making Biodiesel?

Is it necessary for the studentts to run pillar to post in search of oils?

Its very bad to hear the exploitation of the students by who ever its when the oil is sold at a price that of cow's butter!!!!

I do not want to embarass the students by naming them here but warn them not to undertake such projects of no commercial imbalance.

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Well-Known Member

Dear friends!

Biodiesel price is picking up in India.
Its already Rs45/liter Plus+ +.

Hardly one or two plants are working and yet there is a good news that the Biodiesel is sold at a reasonable price.
Indeed, adv payment is demanded for the supplies whereas earlier we needed to push the product on credit.
We predict the Diesel price will be up by Rs50/liter if the crude price do not come down below 100USD/barrel.
We can expect the increase in diesel price anytime.

The price of glycerine is also slightly profitable for Bio diesel Manufacturers and we wish this trend continue so that many of us who closed down the plant are in a position to start production again.

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