Rural Godown Scheme / Grameen Bhandaran Yojana

Introduction: The objective of rural godown scheme is to provide the farming community with facilities for scientific storage so that wastage and produce deterioration are avoided and also to enable it to meet its credit requirement without being compelled to sell the produce at a time when the prices are low (distress sale).

Capacity: Capacity of a godown shall be decided by an entrepreneur. However, subsidy under the scheme shall be restricted to a minimum capacity of 100 tonnes and maximum capacity of 10,000 tonnes. For godowns exceeding 1000 ton capacity the maximum acceptable capital investment is Rs. 1500.00 per ton.

Credit linked assistance: Subsidy (15% 25% 33.33%) under the scheme is linked to institutional credit and will be available to only such projects as are financed by Commercial Banks. As the name implies subsidy is available only for godowns constructed in rural areas and not in municipal areas.

Assistance under the scheme shall be available on capital cost of construction of godown including the cost of allied facilities like boundary wall, internal road, platform, internal drainage system, weighing, grading, packaging, quality certification, warehousing facilities which are functionally required to operate the godown.

Viability: Project is highly viable if you could construct 5000 ton capacity godown over 2 acre land. You can construct allied facilities e.g. shops, drying sheds, etc for value addition with proposed godown.

National Warehouse Receipt System: You will operate godown under this system. It will help farmers to obtain credit from banks against warehouse receipt.

Our services: We can prepare bankable project report, CoA certified layout along with construction cost estimate at highly affordable service fee. We will guide you step-by-step till its commissioning. Write to us informing available land and complete contact particulars.


New Member
Most urgent

I would like to know more about this scheme, any project consultants can help us in this project........ Please get i touch with me....

Divyesh Mehta
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New Member
rural godown scheme

dear sir ,
i am interested in this project. our land is located near pune, i want to prepare godown to store onion ( capicity 100 ton).

pradeep waman
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