Wanted Require Cheap Agriculture Land for Sale in Karnataka and Andra Pradesh 5 Acres to 50 Acres


Hi Ramjee,
we have good red soil agriland available in and around ratnagiri maharashtra. I bought some acres and planted cashew. i am looking for more land to buy to plant rubber,mango,coconut and vegetables. for that i am looking for an interested people who can buy and develop the farm collectively or individually if we buy 100 to 200 acres ,land will be cheap. if you need i can help you for farming. if interested please reply me.
Contact me 8600241444

Dear Ramjee
Please let me know the purpose of purchasing the land ? Which area you are interested to purchase land ? I am based in indore MP. If you are interested to purchase here. So kindly let me know.
Manveer Singh
The Green Earth

I am searching 10 acres of land for agriculture purpose with water facility.
Preferred location would be nearby thuraiyur, musiri, thottiyam and kulithalai. Planning to farm groundnut,onion,paddy,vegetables and fruits .Let me know if any land is available for sale in mentioned location. Please contact my mail id dhanabaljjcet@yahoo.com
Pl.contact me immediately to my mail id :sathiyakalyani@gmail.com.

Dear Ramjee,

Greetings from Sudharma Krishi Consultants (P) Limited !

Thank you for showing interest on Agri business sector as your future profession !

We are the IIT- Kharagpur & ICAR incubated company having its office at ICAR- NIRJAFT, Kolkata, India.

It is the most equipped and professionally managed organisation in India working in the service sector domain as Value Chain Architects, Consultants and service provider in the field of hi-end farming, agro based industry, export and other agri businesses. We have more than 150 nos of world class experts of different disciplines related to Agriculture and Agri Business. So, we are capable of to undertake any project ( medium to large ) in any part of the world.

Even we could arrange land in any of the suitable states of your choice. Before buying you should frame your project type and accordingly we could provide you the land information.

So, come with us with your idea and we will make it a tangible shape.

Please find the the following links which could suit your purpose.


Looking forward to see you soon !

Best Regards

K. Basudev

SudharmaKrishi Consultants (P) Limited

Indian council of Agricultural Research ( nirjaft)

12, Regent park, Kolkata: 40.

email: skcpl2011@gmail.com

Phone : +91 988 3644 699, 9143787763


I am interested to buy 50 acres of land suitable for cashew plantation.Kindly get back to me
I want to sell my 350 bigha land in datia district mp. It is situated near sonagiri temples jain religion in datia district. You can buy according to your budget This is not compulsory that you will have to buy all land. Price 4 lacs per bigha. There are 8 tubewell and nahar mid of the land. Own transformers and all facilities of agriculture are available. Property is nearly to sugar factory and coming soon to first asia aircraft industry. My contact no is 7354057472 & 8770531292. You can feel free to contact us.
