Dear members, I am from suburbs of Madurai district, Tamil nadu and I own 5 acre farm land with red soil. Have already planted Lemon, Pappaya & Guava trees and now looking for cultivating Sweet Lime / Mosambi fruits. Now i have few questions on that. Can anyone please clarify & provide your valuable inputs. 1. Which variety is good for Sweet Lime plant? I heard from my known contact that Rangapuri variety is good and he asks me to go with that. Has anyone cultivated this variety? What spacing between plants should we need to provide...? Does it grow like a tree after few years? If you know the approximate yield per year (in terms of no of fruits / overall kilogram) from a plant, it would be good to know. I did a check in google, but couldnt find much information. Do we have any other variety that we can check on? 2. Can we also cultivate Mosambi as intercrop plant within Lemon trees? Now, Lemon trees are planted with 20ft apart on all sides. We thought to plant one mosambi plant at the centre of four lemon trees, with cross spacing between the lemon & proposed mosambi would be 15ft. Can you please advise, if we can go with this approach? Thank you.
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