For high yielding hybrid papaya seeds, kindly click on this link for Papaya F1 hybrids which are known to yield higher than Red Lady. Kindly provide your email for prices.
A high yielding orange to red flesh papaya hybrid . All plants bear fruits. Female fruits are slightly round, hermaphrodite fruits are oblong. Average fruit weight is approximately 1.5 - 2 kg (3.3-4.4 lb). The flesh is orange to red, with very strong flavor and has a high sugar content of 14%. Flesh is rather firm. Intermediate tolerance to papaya ring spot virus (PRSV).
A popular Hawaian type papaya hybrid. Oval pear shaped fruits weighing around 0.7 kg - 0.8 kg (1.5-1.8 lb) each. The papaya flesh is orange to red, has a high sugar content and strong flavor. Suitable for export markets.
PAPAYA HYBRID - F1 Taiwan Princess
A very popular Taiwan type papaya hybrid. Widely grown in USA, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Taiwan, China, India and Australia for export and local markets. Large fruits with pointed blossom end, weighing around 1.2 kg (2.6-2.7 lb). Flesh is orange red, tender with good taste and quality. Tolerant to papaya ring spot virus (PRSV).
For more details, go to the papaya page on - Papaya F1 Hybrid Seeds
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