R U Interested in Fish and Prawn Farming ---Huge Profits



We can help and guide you....please private message us or provide your contact info email ID ...you can start the business with very less investment if you have land and water and reap very good profits....we can cater our services to make your venture a profitable entity ....!!

Prawn cultivation.

We can help and guide you....please private message us or provide your contact info email ID ...you can start the business with very less investment if you have land and water and reap very good profits....we can cater our services to make your venture a profitable entity ....!!

Thank you for the message. Can u please contact me

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Dear Sirs,
I am interested in prawn farming .Kindly send me its detail on my email
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I am interested in prawn farming. Please send me the details

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we can help and guide you....please private message us or provide your contact info email id ...you can start the business with very less investment if you have land and water and reap very good profits....we can cater our services to make your venture a profitable entity ....!!
ple3ase send me details i want to start with small invest ment

how to run fish and prawns farming business

We can help and guide you....please private message us or provide your contact info email ID ...you can start the business with very less investment if you have land and water and reap very good profits....we can cater our services to make your venture a profitable entity ....!!
please we are interested in fish and prawn farming in nigeria west africa and we have secured @ two acres of Land together with water provision on the said land. we need help and ideas on how to purse this business, you can contact me . thanks, mr okoli
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We can help and guide you....please private message us or provide your contact info email ID ...you can start the business with very less investment if you have land and water and reap very good profits....we can cater our services to make your venture a profitable entity ....!!
please send me details i want to start with small invest ment
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Please send details I have two acres of land with a big pond and land.I also want to venture into dairy farming but not sure whether it would be profitable as in Orissa somehow dairy farming is not profitable.
