GWT have a Farmer database of over 1,00,000 Tamilnadu Farmers -Postal address/email ID/phone numbers
Information is ideal for direct mail, telemarketing, email, market research and much, much more.
So if you're interested in growing your business, contact us today- 9487002125/9003828077/ 32,ACC Road,Palani
I t doesn't matter if your agri business target small Family Farms or larger Corporate Farm and Ranch ventures,
you can reach them all with the GWT-Agricultural Country
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GWT allows you to precisely pinpoint the farmers who would be the best fit for your product offering.
E-bulletin, our monthly electronic newsletter provides updates of recent agriculture activities and advertisements. E-Bulletin is sent to all members every month and posted on the web page for 1 month. Reaching out every village by postal and field work by maintaining address book.