Puxin biogas systems from China.



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This is Vane Yen from Shenzhen Puxin Technology Co. Ltd based in the south of China.

Our company is a specialized biogas company. We develop biogas systems, manufacture and sell the related products to build biogas systems, and build biogas systems directly.

The following are the biogas system-the Puxin biogas system developed by us.

1.Puxin large size biogas system: Puxin large size biogas system is composed of a Puxin integrated biogas plant, the feeding system, the biogas purify system (the desulphurization tower and the dehydration tower) and biogas generator.

Puxin integrated biogas plant is of the of hydraulic pressure type with the water cycle pools on the gasholders. The plant is mainly composed a concrete digester that is divided into several units and a numbers of gasholders. The plant has two types- the natural temperature type and the constant temperature type. For constant temperature type, the digester is wrapped by an insulating layer made with foam; and has a pipe net on the bottom that can let the hot water from the power generator or solar heating system passing through to heat the fermentation material in it. The plant has a thermostat to control the fermentation temperature.

For large size biogas system, we design and build it directly for our customers, or design and sell the necessary products and provide technical guidance to build the large size biogas systems for our customers.

2. Puxin medium size biogas system: The medium size biogas system is composed of one or a group of 100 m3 biogas plants formed into a unit, the pipe system, the gas purify system and the appliances or electricity generator. The medium size biogas system is mainly applied to the livestock (pig, cow, etc.) plants to treat the waste, or applied to public buildings (hotel, apartment, etc.) to treat sewage and food waste. .

For medium size biogas system we design the biogas system, sell all the equipments and products needed to build the biogas system to our customers, train the technicians for them, and our customers build the biogas application system themselves.

3. Puxin family size biogas system: The family size biogas system is composed of one or several 10m3 biogas plants formed into a unit, the pipe system, the gas purify devices and the appliances. The family size biogas system is mainly applied to family house to treat sewage and food waste. The following are the equipment and products needed to build the family size biogas system:

For family size biogas system we sell all the equipments and products needed to build the biogas system to our customers, train the technicians for them, and our customers build the biogas application system themselves.

Attached are a catalogue of our product and an introduction of our Family size biogas plant.

PUXIN company was founded in 2001. The company’s business is focused on the development and manufacture of biogas systems. Since its establishment the company has been concentrated in the development of Puxin family size biogas system and the equipments as well as products needed to build the system. After successfully completing the development of Puxin family size biogas system, the company inputted most of its resource in developing Puxin large size biogas system since 2003. By the end of 2007, the products have been exported to over twenty countries as well as SNV Cambodia and United Nations Development Organization east Timor • In 2003, PUXIN biogas system was awarded High & New Tech. Program Certificate of Shenzhen
• In 2005, the company was awarded the technical support entity for the "National Science and Technology Achievements key promotion Program" project-- PUXIN Biogas System by Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology.
• In 2006, Puxin Biogas plant won the Global Top Ten Investment Scenarios to Apply New Technologies for Renewable Energy Utilization Blue Sky Award initiated by United Nations Industrial Development Organization and Shenzhen International Technology Promotion Center For Sustainable Development.
• In 2007, the company was awarded the High-tech Enterprises of Shenzhen.
• By the end of 2011, Puxin biogas systems had been exported to over sixty countries all over the world.

Sincerely yours,
Vane Yen
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I am a coffee Planter, will get appr. 100 cu-ft of coffee pulp/day in coffee harvesting season which will be for about two months. After that in the non-season we can make use of green or dry compostable materials available in the estate for the Bio-Digester.
Please let me know the size & cost of the equipment needed ,lncuding apower generator.
Thanking You,
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I am doing biogas plant installation in tamilnadu I want plant and accesory please cont me
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pL MAIL COMPLETE DETAILS ,Picture & CIF Nhava Shewa Price

Satla R.K.
RAJAN Enterprises,
44, Satla House ,7th Lane, S.P.Road
First Floor, Mumbai-400008,INDIA
Cell: 99201 20216
Phone: 9122-23076081
E-Mail : rksatla@gmail.com

Retailing/wholeselling of Puxin biogas system

i am interested to retail/wholesale your product.
Kindly send me detail cataloge, price list etc.
thank you.
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