Profitable agriculture


kirti s

Well-Known Member
help from company

Dear sir,
Pls check with nearest kvk or agricultrue department for further details.


Kirti Nkiak

contract farming

dear divakarank
i have land area is more than 100 ACres in chittor distt. of rajasthan.if you are interested pl contact

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Active Member
Visit Project Reports - Livestock Production Management for Crossbred Cow Dairy Farm Project Reports as per NABARD/Bank guidelines which can be customized and downloaded as per your needs.

Dr. Vivek Patil
Asst. Prof. LPM, Veterinary College, Bidar

Site Moderators please note :This is a livestock extension initiative meant to increase awareness about the economic aspects of dairy farming and aid in project planning by dairy entrepreneurs. It does not involve any business activity.
