Precision farming



Well-Known Member
HII rehan

Precision farming or precision agriculture is an agricultural concept relying on the existence of in-field variability. It requires the use of new technologies, such as global positioning (GPS), sensors, satellites or aerial images, and information management tools (GIS) to assess and understand variations. Collected information may be used to more precisely evaluate optimum sowing density, estimate fertilizers and other inputs needs, and to more accurately predict crop yields. It seeks to avoid applying inflexible practices to a crop, regardless of local soil/climate conditions, and may help to better assess local situations of disease or lodging.

Precision farming may be used to improve a field or a farm management from several perspectives:

* agronomical perspective: adjustment of cultural practices to take into account the real needs of the crop (e.g., better fertilization management)
* technical perspective: better time management at the farm level (e.g. planning of agricultural activity)
* environmental perspective: reduction of agricultural impacts (better estimation of crop nitrogen needs implying limitation of nitrogen run-off)
* economical perspective: increase of the output and/or reduction of the input, increase of efficiency (e.g., lower cost of nitrogen fertilization practice)


prakash rama

New Member
Thanks Ashwin for your explaing precision farming. In India where 70 farmers are poor and use traditional knowledge in their crop cultivation, the toold required for precision farming is beyond their means. To my knowledge, even the ARS and KVKs in the country are not equipped to adopt precision farming techniques.

Then how relevent can it be for the farmers in India? Can you indicate where such a system is practiced in India and names of farmers so we can interact with them. Thanks again.

I am planning to start a school for farming for youth from farming families. Any suggestion in developing course content is welcome.
Thanks again


Well-Known Member
ANy help required you can write to us and its a very good idea for starting a school to educate youth on latest technologies. Let it be practical also.



Thanks Ashwin for your explaing precision farming. In India where 70 farmers are poor and use traditional knowledge in their crop cultivation, the toold required for precision farming is beyond their means. To my knowledge, even the ARS and KVKs in the country are not equipped to adopt precision farming techniques.

Then how relevent can it be for the farmers in India? Can you indicate where such a system is practiced in India and names of farmers so we can interact with them. Thanks again.

I am planning to start a school for farming for youth from farming families. Any suggestion in developing course content is welcome.
Thanks again
Best Wishes


Established Member
Every farmer reshort to the prctice,depending upon knowldge,resources and infrastructure avilable at their disposal. For example, under delayed sowing increase in seed rate, maitaining a higher plant population in poor soil and many more practices are followe by the farmers that are the part of precision farming. However, there are many components that need sophisticated instuments/technology which is not available with majority of farmers in our country. Knowldge creation and deloping tech. is continuous process which need to be passed on to the farmers as soon as it is made available.


Senior Member
I totally agree with Mr Prakash Rama about implementing precision farming in India. It is still at a very nascent stage in India. The first thing that comes to mind is that, this system is not for India, where the farmers are poor with small land holdings. But, this is far from the truth as this approach has a large potential for improving the agricultural production in developing world.

Just imagine this situation where a farmer goes to his field with a GPS guided tractor. The GPS senses the exact location of tractor within the field. It sends signals to the computer fixed on to the tractor, which has a GIS, storing the soil nutrient requirement map in it. The GIS, in consultation with a Decision Support System would decide what is the exact fertilizer requirement for that location. It then commands a variable rate fertilizer applicator, which is again attached with the tractor, to apply the exact dosage at the precise location of farm. Is this Presently and practically possible in India?

Moreover, One of the major problems is the small field size. In India more than 57.8 per cent of operational holdings have size less than 1 ha. However, in Punjab, Rajastan, Haryana and Gujarat there are more than 20 per cent of agricultural lands have operational holding size of more than 4 ha. These are individual field sizes. However, when we consider contiguous field with same crop the field sizes are large. Using aerial data, has found that in Patiala district of Punjab, more than 50 per cent of contiguous field sizes are larger than 15 ha. These contiguous fields can be considered a single field for the purpose of implementation of precision farming for major food-grain crops such as rice, wheat, maize etc.

The concept of precision farming being implemented by the Tata Kisan Kendras (TKKs) has the potential to catapult rural India from the bullock-cart age into the new era of satellites and IT. TCL's extension services, brought to farmers through the TKKs, use remote-sensing technology to analyze soil, inform about crop health, pest attacks and coverage of various crops predicting the final output. This helps farmers adapt quickly to changing conditions. The result: healthier crops, higher yields and enhanced incomes for farmers.

Based on precision farming, farmers at various locations in India are already implementing Real Time Nitrogen Management, Site-Specific Nutrient Management, Splip Plot experiment approaches in rice-wheat cropping system using Leaf Colour Chart (LCC) and Chlorophyll meters. I have also developed an online learning course on Site Specific Integrated Nutrient Management (SSINM) using MOODLE Learning Management System (LMS) which I had presented in an International workshop at Philippines organized by InWEnt, Capacity Building International, Germany.

Mr Prakash, like your plan to start a school, I have also dreamed about to implement this online course for Indian progressive farmers, agri graduates, extension workers etc. in collaboration with InWent for which I am continuously trying to start their franchisee here in India.

Finally, I Hope in coming few years precision farming may help the Indian farmers to harvest the fruits of frontier technologies without compromising the quality of land.

Thanks for bearing with me to read such a long text.

Ubaid Khan
Pioneer Aromatics & Agri Solutions


Details of precision farming in India

pioneeragri;than 57.8 per cent of operational holdings have size less than 1 ha. However said:
Tata Kisan Kendras[/B] (TKKs) has the potential to catapult rural India from the bullock-cart age into the new era of satellites and IT. TCL's extension services, brought to farmers through the TKKs, use remote-sensing technology to analyze soil, inform about crop health, pest attacks and coverage of various crops predicting the final output. This helps farmers adapt quickly to changing conditions. The result: healthier crops, higher yields and enhanced incomes for farmers.

Based on precision farming, farmers at various locations in India are already implementing Real Time Nitrogen Management, Site-Specific Nutrient Management, Splip Plot experiment approaches in rice-wheat cropping system using Leaf Colour Chart (LCC) and Chlorophyll meters. I have also developed an online learning course on Site Specific Integrated Nutrient Management (SSINM) using MOODLE Learning Management System (LMS) which I had presented in an International workshop at Philippines organized by InWEnt, Capacity Building International, Germany.

Mr Prakash, like your plan to start a school, I have also dreamed about to implement this online course for Indian progressive farmers, agri graduates, extension workers etc. in collaboration with InWent for which I am continuously trying to start their franchisee here in India.

Finally, I Hope in coming few years precision farming may help the Indian farmers to harvest the fruits of frontier technologies without compromising the quality of land.

Thanks for bearing with me to read such a long text.

Ubaid Khan
Pioneer Aromatics & Agri Solutions

This article is very interstign to note but are there local agri bodies who can help to know the concepts and soem trainign sessions if any.

Reply me,Please contact....
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Senior Member
Various national level institutes are working on precision farming and crop weather simulation modelling etc. You can contact ISRO, Bangalore, Satellite Application Center (SAC), Ahmedabad for further details. Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun and Remote Sensing Application Centre (RSAC), Lucknow are providing short term and long term trainings. Perhaps BIT, Ranchi is also working on precision farming and providing M.Tech. degree in remote sensing. I don't know if any local regional bodies are currently working on such advanced technologies.

For the mentioned approaches i.e. Real Time Nitrogen Management, Site-Specific Nutrient Management, Splip Plot experiment, SSINM in rice-wheat cropping system using Leaf Colour Chart (LCC) and Chlorophyll meter you can directly discuss with me or contact Soil Science and agronomy departments of various agri institutions like GBPUAT, Pantnagar, PAU, Ludhiana, IARI, New Delhi etc.

Ubaid Khan
Pioneer Aromatics & Agri Solutions
