portable domestic biogas plant sale:



Pls find the details of Portable domestic biogas plant and also the photo of 1 cum plant.

1 Cum Plant
Waste required –Min 1 kg –Max 5 kg per day
Water required –Min 2 liters- Max 10 liters per day
Plant Size-4 feet height & 4 feet dia
Cooking hours-2.5 hrs-4 hrs per day
Stove-Single burner
Can be placed at the roof top or besides the house

2 Cum Plant
Waste required –Min 3 kg –Max 10 kg per day
Water required –Min 6 liters- Max 20 liters per day
Plant Size-6 feet height & 5 feet dia
Cooking hours-2.5 hrs day
Stove-Double burner
Can be placed only beside the house

Pls find the details of Portable domestic biogas plant and also the photo of 1 cum plant.

1 Cum Plant
Waste required –Min 1 kg –Max 5 kg per day
Water required –Min 2 liters- Max 10 liters per day
Plant Size-4 feet height & 4 feet dia
Cooking hours-2.5 hrs-4 hrs per day
Stove-Single burner
Can be placed at the roof top or besides the house

2 Cum Plant
Waste required –Min 3 kg –Max 10 kg per day
Water required –Min 6 liters- Max 20 liters per day
Plant Size-6 feet height & 5 feet dia
Cooking hours-2.5 hrs day
Stove-Double burner
Can be placed only beside the house

am interested. pl connect on email id
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Pls find the details of Portable domestic biogas plant and also the photo of 1 cum plant.

1 Cum Plant
Waste required –Min 1 kg –Max 5 kg per day
Water required –Min 2 liters- Max 10 liters per day
Plant Size-4 feet height & 4 feet dia
Cooking hours-2.5 hrs-4 hrs per day
Stove-Single burner
Can be placed at the roof top or besides the house

2 Cum Plant
Waste required –Min 3 kg –Max 10 kg per day
Water required –Min 6 liters- Max 20 liters per day
Plant Size-6 feet height & 5 feet dia
Cooking hours-2.5 hrs day
Stove-Double burner
Can be placed only beside the house

am interested please connect
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I am interested in your product. What will be the cost of the second type plant. Please inform me
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Bio-gas plants

How to get full details of cost etc for both sizes of bio-gas plants? Pl email after Feb 1st.

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Bio Gas Plant

Att nSanchi

Please let me have your contact address/Number and location,as very much
interested in installing few of your units.

Having checked with several of the viewers of this posting,I understand
non of them have received any reply so far. Please look into this matter.

Reply to my Private Message



yes,we are interested to show this to our villege farmers
kindly email us:SCIENTIST RAMAKOTI
CELL;0984974974, ramakotis2k9 at the rate of gmail dot com
ramakotis at the rate of yahoo.com
1.the photographs
2.the place where it is manufactured for inspection
3.the quotation hard copy for processing order
4.your delivery time
5.installation and guarantee and after sales service availability

Pls find the details of Portable domestic biogas plant and also the photo of 1 cum plant.

1 Cum Plant
Waste required –Min 1 kg –Max 5 kg per day
Water required –Min 2 liters- Max 10 liters per day
Plant Size-4 feet height & 4 feet dia
Cooking hours-2.5 hrs-4 hrs per day
Stove-Single burner
Can be placed at the roof top or besides the house

2 Cum Plant
Waste required –Min 3 kg –Max 10 kg per day
Water required –Min 6 liters- Max 20 liters per day
Plant Size-6 feet height & 5 feet dia
Cooking hours-2.5 hrs day
Stove-Double burner
Can be placed only beside the house

price dtailes

1 Cum Plant
Waste required –Min 1 kg –Max 5 kg per day / Water required –Min 2 liters- Max 10 liters per day / Plant Size-4 feet height & 4 feet dia / Cooking hours-2.5 hrs-4 hrs per day / Can be placed at the roof top or besides the house / Stove-Single burner –
Maximum cost Rs 50,000( includes unit cost, single burner,hose,installation )

2 Cum Plant
Waste required –Min 3 kg –Max 10 kg per day / Water required –Min 6 liters- Max 20 liters per day / Plant Size-6 feet height & 5 feet dia / Cooking hours-2.5 hrs day / Stove-Double burner /Can be placed only beside the house
Maximum cost -Rs.80000/- (includes unit cost,double burner,hose,installation.)

Its mainly used for house hold kitchen waste. The input materials for Elegant biogas plants are daily vegetable waste, food waste, meat waste etc. Apart from this, manure and dung can also be used . These plants are portable models and its space requirement is only 1 square meter for house hold units and it has an output of 2 hrs per day.

Advantages of biogas plant-
• Alternative fuel for cooking gas
• Proper waste disposal for biodegradable waste
• Hygenic- No odour and flies
• Outlet slurry is a good fertilizer
• User friendly designs
• Aethestic look- available in various colour
• Easy to handle and install
• Can be kept in terrace
• Compact design
For more detailes:sanvisanchita at gmail dot com

Portable bio gas

Pls find the details of Portable domestic biogas plant and also the photo of 1 cum plant.

1 Cum Plant
Waste required –Min 1 kg –Max 5 kg per day
Water required –Min 2 liters- Max 10 liters per day
Plant Size-4 feet height & 4 feet dia
Cooking hours-2.5 hrs-4 hrs per day
Stove-Single burner
Can be placed at the roof top or besides the house

2 Cum Plant
Waste required –Min 3 kg –Max 10 kg per day
Water required –Min 6 liters- Max 20 liters per day
Plant Size-6 feet height & 5 feet dia
Cooking hours-2.5 hrs day
Stove-Double burner
Can be placed only beside the house
It is advised please quote your rates and contact number for the information of all the buyers. Thanks and regards.
