poplar tree



New Member
i want grow polar plant at gorakhpur around 5000 . could you help me how can i get information about poplar nursery or how can i do it my project. i need each and every information which help me. like cost of plant,area,how can i grow it etc


Plants are planted mostly in month of mid jan feb but pls search for nearby mkt where u want to sell as plants r ready in 4to5 yrs time contact me for plant material at 9897549080 or write to me at sadatmasood04@yahoo.co.in price and size of planting material range from 16 to 34/-per treefor a ht of range10 to 20 ft


New Member
Plants are planted mostly in month of mid jan feb but pls search for nearby mkt where u want to sell as plants r ready in 4to5 yrs time contact me for good poplar plant i have 9 clones w-22,w81,w-83,w-108,w-109,w-110 ect plz cont. at 9812786229 or price and size of planting material range from 24/-per plants for a ht of range10 to 15 ft

imran rizvi
sangwan farm meerut road karnal haryana
m- 9812786229
