Please guide ..



New Member
I have 3-5 acres of land near Panchgai , Wai with sufficient water, I want to utilise this land for farming etc.

Please help and guide me if l can build a green house for flowriculture business , what is the cost involved in this entire project and what are the returns.

Thanks ,

wanted agri land

We are interested in buying land for organic farming in your area.
The requirement is 5 - 15 acres .
The land should be suitable for farming with good soil, electricity, water and accessibility.
We can also look for the land with partial trees and also part open land.
If the possibility for future farm house is there with the land, the same will be preferred.
Land with fertile soil but where no farming is done in the past, can also be considered.
Pl send in complete details with your contact details.

ketan shah
Mobile : 0 93 22 22 15 44
email :

Dear Sir

If the crop is surrounded by a a skirting of plastic film and even if the top of the structure is left open, one gets the typical greenhouse effect with doubling of the yeild. one can use relatively thin bamboo stakes to support the plastic skirting.

per acre cost of a conventional greenhouse is Rs. 10 to 20 Lacs per hectare.

Development of farm.

I have 3-5 acres of land near Panchgai , Wai with sufficient water, I want to utilise this land for farming etc.

Please help and guide me if l can build a green house for flowriculture business , what is the cost involved in this entire project and what are the returns.

Thanks ,
My dear sanjay,
If you are really serious in this business please contact me on my contact address I will help you out to develop your farm according to your budget and to get the regular income.
Please Contact...
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EMU faming

Hi Sanjay,

This is Prasad Joshi and you can make best use of your land into profit making proposal through EMU farming even after growing crops as it requires hardly 2 acres of plane land for this proposal.

I m based in Mumbai. In case you are interested, we have a already grown EMU farm at Murbad where almost 200-300 EMU birds are being kept.

In case you are interested in getteing profits from small peice of land, pls call me to discuss further.

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