hello Sir
RED LADY TAIWAN Papaya requires less area per plant, comes to fruiting in a year, is easy to cultivate and provides more income/ha next to banana.
About 250-300g seeds are sufficient for a hectare. The seedlings can be raised in nursery-beds 3m long, 1m wide and 10cm high as well as in pots or polythene bags. The seeds should be sown 1cm deep in rows 10cm apart and covered with fine compost or leaf-mould. Light watering should be done with watercan in the morning.
tender seedlings should also be protected from heavy rainfall. Dusting of insecticides to protect the seedlings against insect pests is also advised. Damping off is most serious disease. Treating seeds with 0.1% Monosan (phenyl mercury acetate), Ceresan, Agrosan or Thiram dust before sowing is the best preventive measure to check it. The nursery-beds should also be treated with 5% formaldehyde solution before sowing. If disease appears in the nursery, Bordeaux mixture (1%) or copper oxychloride (0.2%) should be sprayed.
Papaya is planted during spring (February- March), monsoon (June- July) and autumn (October- November). Spring planting is done in areas where the climatic condition is mild throughout the year. Monsoon planting is preferred in the frost-prone areas, and autumn planting generally done in the regions where the rainfall is high and virus problem is acute in rainy season.
Since papaya does not withstand waterlogging, a well-drained upland should be selected for its cultivation. Its plants are also sensitive to strong winds
The seedlings are planted in pits of 60cm x נ60cm x נ60cm size. The pits are dug about 15 days before in summer and filled with top soil along with 20kg farmyard manure, 1kg neem or karanj cake and 1kg bone-meal or fish-meal. Tall and vigorous varieties are planted at greater spacing, while medium and dwarf ones at closer spacing.
Planting distance is determined by the integration of light interception, cultivar and economic consideration. A spacing of 1.8m x נ1.8m is normally followed for most of the cultivars