planning for Dairy farming and Bio gas plant. Is it practical?



New Member

I am about to start my business and was doing some market research on what business is more profitable.
My idea is to open a dairy farm with 100cows and start a bio gas plant along with that. these two business are connected with each other. By dairy farm, i will get milk and cow dung. The Dung can be put in the bio gas chambers which will produce methane(bio gas). The slurry produced after making bio gas can be sold as a manure. By this way we get 4 products (milk, cow dung, bio gas and manure) in which 3 product can be sold (milk, bio gas and manure). What do you think of the idea and is it practical? and if it is practical, then what are the important things to be considered before investing in it?

Think additional options

Your plan is excellent. I heared one farmer is doing this kind of strategy even one step advanced.
1. grow 100 cows and maintain with proper care and obtain milk
2. Utilize the cow dung to produce Biogas
3. Use this bio gas to boil the milk and to produce value added milk products like icecream or milk sweets
4. Based on market demand the production level of value added product may be limited. If you have personal and faithful man power can start a small shop to sell the milk sweets/ice cream in near by big town or city
5. The slurry of bio gas may be further decomposed by earthworms, and the earthworm manure will be sold to nursery owners.
With good initial investment and efficient management for intial few years will provide huge success in this recycling and value added process.

hi sir .

Hi Sir,

your plan is good. mail me sir . i will say u one more idea to ur business sir.
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eco friendly multi projects under one roof.

Dear friends.,
following multi eco friendly projects can be planned under one roof.this is indipendent. u produce ur own power and use.

1.cattle such as milking cow/buffolo
2.gobar gas plant.
3.power from gobar gas. power production around the fencing.
5.foder forming
6.manure production
7.vegitable and flower farming/nursary
8.vegitable and milk storage
10.Electric car charging station.
All are inter independent power is available with in the complex it may give a successful lead project

Dairy and bio gas plant

I am a farmer in Satara,Maharahtra having five acre land with fruit garden and 20 deshi cows, bio gas plant.If interested you can join me on your terms.











R.Senthil kumar
chief executive
Charted Engineer
mother grace Products
094426 33016

This idea sounds great if you ask me. Very well thought of...
I know a friend who is something like that as well and he is even able to pay his lifestyle with that. He may lives simple but is a huge fan of vintage he makes sure to be able affording them. I think it is important that, in spite of all the responsibility, to be able to live in a way you want to. So I absolutely like your idea, yuvi!

It sounds as good an idea as any other on paper. But the devil is in the detail and the tact is in the execution of the plan. Also it depends on your core interest. Farming many times is a great utopian thought, but there interest fades down faster than you think, and before your realise it becomes a burden.

In the words of Chankaya:
"Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions - Why am I doing it, What the results might be and Will I be successful. Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions, go ahead."

Think additional options

Your plan is excellent. I heared one farmer is doing this kind of strategy even one step advanced.
1. grow 100 cows and maintain with proper care and obtain milk
2. Utilize the cow dung to produce Biogas
3. Use this bio gas to boil the milk and to produce value added milk products like icecream or milk sweets
4. Based on market demand the production level of value added product may be limited. If you have personal and faithful man power can start a small shop to sell the milk sweets/ice cream in near by big town or city
5. The slurry of bio gas may be further decomposed by earthworms, and the earthworm manure will be sold to nursery owners.
With good initial investment and efficient management for intial few years will provide huge success in this recycling and value added process.

Your proposal seem to very interesting. Incidentally as I have ambition to start such a project, I need to know how much land will be required for such a project. Right now I have about 8 acres near kancheepuram-chennai-tamilnadu. will this be sufficient. imporatantly what will be my further investment, any bank loan provisions for this, and from when on I can expect a return and how much. anticipate your reply.

Dairy Farming

Respeced Sir

I have a project on dairy farming that can maximise your profits. Please send details about your plan to We can personally meet and have a discussion on it
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Me and my colleagues have recently discussed this issue. At first glance it looks really sweet. In CIS in countryside some families have also introduced small biogas power stations and they get enough electricity to refuse from traditional electricity supply or to minimize its use down to 15-25% from previous demand figure.

Still there are few concerns about it (I do not now you situation well).

(1) Climate (humidity and low temperature boundaries). The project will be able to return the investment in a relatively short period of 2-3 years if You will be able to work all year round.

(2) State support. As far as you produce green energy You can reckon on state support in tax benefits, lower loan rates, tax holidays etc. In other case it can be rather problematic to launch the project. All big biogas factories I've seen in agriculture domestic holding need huge CAPEX.

(3) What's about ecology safety?

dairy tips


I am about to start my business and was doing some market research on what business is more profitable.
My idea is to open a dairy farm with 100cows and start a bio gas plant along with that. these two business are connected with each other. By dairy farm, i will get milk and cow dung. The Dung can be put in the bio gas chambers which will produce methane(bio gas). The slurry produced after making bio gas can be sold as a manure. By this way we get 4 products (milk, cow dung, bio gas and manure) in which 3 product can be sold (milk, bio gas and manure). What do you think of the idea and is it practical? and if it is practical, then what are the important things to be considered before investing in it?

Contact me: I will give you lot of details including costfactors in excel sheet.
